c++ Programming Glossary: glewinit
Glew problems, unresolved externals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11059971/glew-problems-unresolved-externals Error 5 error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp__glewInit referenced in function void __cdecl init void init@@YAXXZ C.. void init GLenum GlewInitResult GlewInitResult glewInit if GLEW_OK GlewInitResult fprintf stderr ERROR s n glewGetErrorString..
glTexImage2D failing in GLUT/FreeType example with OpenGL 3 and above http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11150983/glteximage2d-failing-in-glut-freetype-example-with-opengl-3-and-above argv 1 else fontfilename FreeSans.ttf GLenum glew_status glewInit if GLEW_OK glew_status fprintf stderr Error s n glewGetErrorString..
VC++ LNK Errors With GLFW http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11605835/vc-lnk-errors-with-glfw tutorials. n glfwTerminate return 1 Initialize GLEW if glewInit GLEW_OK fprintf stderr Failed to initialize GLEW n return.. Error 40 error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp__glewInit@0 referenced in function _main C Users Chefomsky documents visual..
Fragment shader inexplicable bahaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14573079/fragment-shader-inexplicable-bahaviour Material material void init Inizializzazione di GLEW glewInit if GLEW_ARB_vertex_shader GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader cout Supporto..
Cannot run Opengl program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17632340/cannot-run-opengl-program 800 600 glutCreateWindow 3D Effects Demo GLenum err glewInit if GLEW_OK err Problem glewInit failed something is seriously.. Effects Demo GLenum err glewInit if GLEW_OK err Problem glewInit failed something is seriously wrong. fprintf stderr Error s..
How to get VBO working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3121472/how-to-get-vbo-working init and make function init look like this void init glewInit glClearColor 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f 0.0f glShadeModel GL_FLAT glEnableClientState.. #pragma comment lib glew32.lib GLuint ID void init glewInit glClearColor 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f 0.0f glShadeModel GL_FLAT glEnableClientState..
Again - parallax mapping issue in OpenGL, GLSL. It's not as usual as it seem to be http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4750707/again-parallax-mapping-issue-in-opengl-glsl-its-not-as-usual-as-it-seem-to 900.0f glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW glLoadIdentity if GLEW_OK glewInit MBX Failed to init GLEW. Error if glewIsSupported GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object..
Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao ); http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8302625/segmentation-fault-at-glgenvertexarrays-1-vao GLUT_CORE_PROFILE glutCreateWindow Color Cube glewInit init glutDisplayFunc display glutKeyboardFunc keyboard glutMouseFunc..
Learning OpenGL in Ubuntu [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/859501/learning-opengl-in-ubuntu place this after your glutCreateWindow Call GLenum err glewInit if GLEW_OK err fprintf stderr Error s n glewGetErrorString err..
Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8977489/problems-converting-yv12-to-rgb-through-glsl GLUT_RGB GLUT_DOUBLE glutCreateWindow argv 0 glewInit Init argc argv glutReshapeFunc Reshape glutKeyboardFunc Key..
Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9011108/image-scaling-keepaspectratiobyexpanding-through-opengl Initialize GL extensions GLenum err glewInit if err GLEW_OK qDebug GLWidget paintEvent glewInit failed with.. err glewInit if err GLEW_OK qDebug GLWidget paintEvent glewInit failed with err return if GLEW_VERSION_2_1 check that the machine.. Initialize GL extensions GLenum err glewInit if err GLEW_OK qDebug GLWidget paintEvent glewInit failed with..