c++ Programming Glossary: gfortran
pass fortran 77 function to C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2902186/pass-fortran-77-function-to-c-c is supported by numerous Fortran 95 compilers including gfortran g95 Sun ifort etc. So I recommend using one of these Fortran..
How do I pass a 2D array in C++ to a Fortran subroutine? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4083490/how-do-i-pass-a-2d-array-in-c-to-a-fortran-subroutine with the following commands works without complaint gfortran c CarrayF.f g c CarrayC.cc g o Carray CarrayC.o CarrayF.o lgfortran.. c CarrayF.f g c CarrayC.cc g o Carray CarrayC.o CarrayF.o lgfortran So as long as I treat the native Fortran complex number like..
Linking fortran and c++ binaries using gcc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5663083/linking-fortran-and-c-binaries-using-gcc between c and c or between c and fortran by using g or gfortran respectively. But if I try to make procedure calls between c.. c and fortran I get errors when compiling with either g or gfortran because neither knows about the other's required libraries... std int main print_hi cout Hello from C endl return 0 gfortran c print_hi.f90 o print_hi.o g c main.cpp o main.o I try linking..