c++ Programming Glossary: glgentextures
glTexImage2D failing in GLUT/FreeType example with OpenGL 3 and above http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11150983/glteximage2d-failing-in-glut-freetype-example-with-opengl-3-and-above to hold one glyph GLuint tex glActiveTexture GL_TEXTURE0 glGenTextures 1 tex glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D tex glUniform1i uniform_tex..
I'm seeing artifacts when I attempt to rotate an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1191093/im-seeing-artifacts-when-i-attempt-to-rotate-an-image Have OpenGL generate a texture object handle for us glGenTextures 1 texture Bind the texture object glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D..
Using SDL_ttf and OpenGL, TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended print Red rectangle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12700085/using-sdl-ttf-and-opengl-ttf-renderutf8-blended-print-red-rectangle else textFormat GL_BGRA_EXT Create the font's texture glGenTextures 1 g_FontTextureId glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D g_FontTextureId..
Reading from framebuffer GLSL to OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14981881/reading-from-framebuffer-glsl-to-opencv pixels.data glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D GLuint textureID glGenTextures 1 textureID glDeleteTextures 1 textureID Create the texture..
Cannot run Opengl program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17632340/cannot-run-opengl-program shadowMatrix floorPlane vLightPos Load up four textures glGenTextures 4 textures Wood floor pBytes gltReadTGABits floor.tga nWidth..
openGL SubTexturing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/205522/opengl-subtexturing to get a sub image of that to use as an opengl texture. glGenTextures 1 m_name glGetIntegerv GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D oldName glBindTexture..
Again - parallax mapping issue in OpenGL, GLSL. It's not as usual as it seem to be http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4750707/again-parallax-mapping-issue-in-opengl-glsl-its-not-as-usual-as-it-seem-to surface 0 surface IMG_Load filenamez.c_str if surface glGenTextures 1 texture glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D texture glTexParameteri..
opengl texturing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5380717/opengl-texturing if imageLoader textureFilenames k myTextureData k exit 1 glGenTextures 1 theTexture k glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D theTexture k glTexParameterf..
Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao ); http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8302625/segmentation-fault-at-glgenvertexarrays-1-vao image2 i j 1 0 image2 i j 2 c Initialize texture objects glGenTextures 2 textures glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D textures 0 glTexImage2D..
Loading texture for OpenGL with OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9126002/loading-texture-for-opengl-with-opencv imread stones.jpg Status TRUE Set The Status To TRUE glGenTextures 1 texture 0 Create The Texture glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D..