

c++ Programming Glossary: file.seekg

Get a font filename based on the font handle (HFONT)


FingerPrintOffset rand fileSize FONT_FINGERPRINT_SIZE file.seekg fontListItem FingerPrintOffset file.read fontListItem FingerPrint..

What is the most elegant way to read a text file with c++?


file file.txt ios in ios binary ios ate if file.is_open file.seekg 0 ios end size file.tellg char contents new char size file.seekg.. 0 ios end size file.tellg char contents new char size file.seekg 0 ios beg file.read contents size file.close ... do something..

Why can't I read and append with std::fstream on Mac OS X?


app if file.is_open cerr open failed endl return 1 else file.seekg 0 ios beg move read pointer string line while getline file line..

In C++ is there a way to go to a specific line in a text file?


std fstream GotoLine std fstream file unsigned int num file.seekg std ios beg for int i 0 i num 1 i file.ignore std numeric_limits..

Loading a file into a vector<char>


ifstream failbit std ifstream eofbit file.open test.txt file.seekg 0 std ios end std streampos length file.tellg if length file.seekg.. 0 std ios end std streampos length file.tellg if length file.seekg 0 std ios beg vec.resize static_cast std size_t length file.read.. want to avoid reading char by char if file.eof file.fail file.seekg 0 std ios_base end std streampos fileSize file.tellg vec.resize..

Getting garbage chars when reading GLSL files


size file.tellg fSize GLuint size memblock new char size file.seekg 0 ios beg file.read memblock size file.close cout file fname.. you can place a null ' 0' ... memblock new char 1 fSize file.seekg 0 ios beg file.read memblock size file.close memblock size '..

Read Unicode files C++


file file.open C appLog.txt ios in wchar_t buffer 2048 file.seekg 2 file.getline buffer bSize 1 wprintf L s n buffer file.close..