c++ Programming Glossary: fiddle
Displaying SVG in OpenGL without intermediate raster http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1027179/displaying-svg-in-opengl-without-intermediate-raster and paint it over a QGLWidget Its possibly you'll need to fiddle around with the paintEvent abit if you want to draw anything..
Good input validation loop using cin - C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2075898/good-input-validation-loop-using-cin-c arbitrary and the error variable isn't necessary if you fiddle with the loop and should be bool if you keep it . You can put..
boost spirit semantic action parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3066701/boost-spirit-semantic-action-parameters integer ' attribute ' std endl match flag mFlag std endl fiddle with match flag mFlag false namespace qi boost spirit qi int..
How to deduce class type from method type in C++ templates? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3830491/how-to-deduce-class-type-from-method-type-in-c-templates no matching function for call to ˜Run bool Base you can fiddle with the snippet at http ideone.com 8NZkq #include iostream..
Making swap faster, easier to use and exception-safe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4875289/making-swap-faster-easier-to-use-and-exception-safe T b T c std move a a std move b b std move c Not having to fiddle with swap anymore already takes a lot of burden away from the.. if there's more to moving for some types you'd better not fiddle with the memory of those yourself Granted moving memory en bloc..
C++: How do I decide if to pass params by ref or by value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9442202/c-how-do-i-decide-if-to-pass-params-by-ref-or-by-value thing you pass as a parameter at the language level not to fiddle with the way an implementation of the language works. share..