c++ Programming Glossary: fiasco
The static keyword and its various uses in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15235526/the-static-keyword-and-its-various-uses-in-c what thus preventing the static initialization order fiasco . T get_global static T global initial_value return global Be..
Dynamically register constructor methods in an AbstractFactory at compile time using C++ templates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2850213/dynamically-register-constructor-methods-in-an-abstractfactory-at-compile-time-u before each use due to the C static initialization order fiasco . Answer Three C compilers will only instantiate template members..
static initialization order fiasco http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3035422/static-initialization-order-fiasco initialization order fiasco I was reading about SIOF from a book and it gave an example..
Finding C++ static initialization order problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/335369/finding-c-static-initialization-order-problems into some problems with the static initialization order fiasco and I'm looking for ways to comb through a whole lot of code.. C compiler running on AIX. c initialization static order fiasco share improve this question Solving order of initialization..
Looking for a better C++ class factory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/363453/looking-for-a-better-c-class-factory
Why are C character literals ints instead of chars? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/433895/why-are-c-character-literals-ints-instead-of-chars
Static initialization order fiasco http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5299095/static-initialization-order-fiasco initialization order fiasco In his Thinking in C Chapter 10 Eckel describes a technique.. technique that was pioneered by Jerry Schwarz to solve the fiasco. He says that if we want to initialize x to 100 and y to 200.. the whole technique. c static initialization static order fiasco share improve this question But if it is true and the compiler..
What is the C++ iostream endl fiasco? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5492380/what-is-the-c-iostream-endl-fiasco is the C iostream endl fiasco I was listening to a google talk by Andrei Alexandrescu on.. language when he threw out a one liner about the endl fiasco. I just thought endl was the preferred way to signify the end.. and flush the buffer for a stream. Why is it considered a fiasco Should I not be using it in my code c iostream endl share..
Do objects of built-in types have special static initialisation order precedence? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8750407/do-objects-of-built-in-types-have-special-static-initialisation-order-precedence for a static global avoids the static initialisation order fiasco. I disagreed but now I'm not so sure... c static initializer..
Why do some const variables referring to some exported const variables get the value 0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/920615/why-do-some-const-variables-referring-to-some-exported-const-variables-get-the-v