

c++ Programming Glossary: field2

C++: static function wrapper that routes to member function?


gets fired. struct CALLBACKDATA int field0 int field1 int field2 struct MYCALLBACKDATA public CALLBACKDATA Callback ptr registerCallback..

How to properly hash the custom struct?


Then I have a structure struct CustomType int field1 short field2 string field3 ... I want to hash it using separate hashes of.. of some of it's fields say std hash field1 and std hash field2 . Both hashes are in a set of possible values of the type size_t.. T h s^ h v 0x9e3779b9 s 6 s 2 struct S int field1 short field2 std string field3 ... template class T class MyHash template..

PInvokeStackImbalance C# call to unmanaged C++ function


UnmanagedType.ByValTStr SizeConst 256 public string field2 MarshalAs UnmanagedType.ByValTStr SizeConst 20 public string.. stuff struct SuperSpecialStruct int field1 char field2 256 char field3 20 char field4 10 unsigned short field5 unsigned..

copying c array of strings into vector of std::string


iostream using namespace std int main char a 3 field1 field2 field3 Some code here vector std string const_iterator it fields.begin.. code is dumping the core Pls help int main char a 3 field1 field2 field3 std vector std string fields a a 3 vector std string..