c++ Programming Glossary: field
C++ Singleton design pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1008019/c-singleton-design-pattern From this declaration I can deduce that the instance field is initiated on the heap. That means there is a memory allocation...
Why can't you use offsetof on non-POD strucutures in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1129894/why-cant-you-use-offsetof-on-non-pod-strucutures-in-c i #define offset_s t f offset_d t 1000 f #define dyn inst field cout Dynamic offset of #field in #inst cout offset_d i##inst.. t 1000 f #define dyn inst field cout Dynamic offset of #field in #inst cout offset_d i##inst field endl #define stat type.. Dynamic offset of #field in #inst cout offset_d i##inst field endl #define stat type field cout Static offset of #field in..
C++ union in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/126781/c-union-in-c-sharp share improve this question You can use explicit field layouts for that StructLayout LayoutKind.Explicit public struct..
C/C++: Force Bit Field Order and Alignment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1490092/c-c-force-bit-field-order-and-alignment Field Order and Alignment I read that the order of bit fields within a struct is platform specific. What about if I use different.. __packed__ On an Intel processor with the GCC compiler the fields were layed out in memory as they are shown. Message.version.. § paragraph 10 says The order of allocation of bit fields within a unit high order to low order or low order to high..
What is “cache-friendly” code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16699247/what-is-cache-friendly-code of data Another simple example which many people in the field sometimes forget is column major ex. fortran matlab vs. row..
What does 'unsigned temp:3' mean? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2950029/what-does-unsigned-temp3-mean to be allocated for this particular variable c c bit fields colon share improve this question This construct specifies.. This construct specifies the length in bits for each field. The advantage of this is that you can control the sizeof op.. size of the structure will be the sum of the sizes of the fields inside. In your case size of op is 32 bits that is sizeof op..
Why should I avoid multiple inheritance in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/406081/why-should-i-avoid-multiple-inheritance-in-c in its grandchild class D and thus updating one parent field A field meant either updating them twice through B field and.. grandchild class D and thus updating one parent field A field meant either updating them twice through B field and C field.. field A field meant either updating them twice through B field and C field or have something goes silently wrong and crash..
What are the barriers to understanding pointers and what can be done to overcome them? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5727/what-are-the-barriers-to-understanding-pointers-and-what-can-be-done-to-overcome name given to the constructor is copied into the private field FName. There is a reason it is defined as a fixed size array...
Create WCF service for unmanaged C++ clients http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686452/create-wcf-service-for-unmanaged-c-clients the Add Service Reference... menu option. In the Address field type the address of Hello Service. This should be equal to the..
OpenCV 2.3 C++ Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7011238/opencv-2-3-c-visual-studio-2010 Open Configuration Properties C C General and edit the field Additional Include Directories to add these 3 paths for the.. Linker General and on the Additional Library Directories field add this C OpenCV2.3 build x86 vc9 lib Finally for this simple..
What is the state of C++ refactor support in Eclipse? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/130913/what-is-the-state-of-c-refactor-support-in-eclipse Method Extract Subclass Hide Method Implement Method Move Field Method Replace Number Separate Class Generate Getters and Setters..
C/C++: Force Bit Field Order and Alignment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1490092/c-c-force-bit-field-order-and-alignment C Force Bit Field Order and Alignment I read that the order of bit fields within..
How to link opencv in QtCreator and use Qt library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15881913/how-to-link-opencv-in-qtcreator-and-use-qt-library MinGW Makefiles and Specify native compilers click next Field C is for gcc.exe C Programs Qt Qt5.0.1 Tools MinGW bin gcc.exe.. for gcc.exe C Programs Qt Qt5.0.1 Tools MinGW bin gcc.exe Field C is for g .exe C Programs Qt Qt5.0.1 Tools MinGW bin g .exe.. is for g .exe C Programs Qt Qt5.0.1 Tools MinGW bin g .exe Field fortran can be empty click finish 6.4 Many red lines will appear..
Order of calling constructors/destructors in inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7539282/order-of-calling-constructors-destructors-in-inheritance hierarchy will be like this Base class A 's constructor Field A 's object creation Derived class B 's constructor share..
How to use typelists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/901907/how-to-use-typelists t2 t3 t4 tuple note how you access fields return func Loki Field 0 tuple Loki Field 1 tuple Loki Field 2 tuple Loki Field 3 tuple.. how you access fields return func Loki Field 0 tuple Loki Field 1 tuple Loki Field 2 tuple Loki Field 3 tuple Loki Field 4 tuple.. return func Loki Field 0 tuple Loki Field 1 tuple Loki Field 2 tuple Loki Field 3 tuple Loki Field 4 tuple this uses the..
unresolved external symbol..no idea [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9928238/unresolved-external-symbol-no-idea error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol public class Field __thiscall Field addField class Field addField@Field@@QAEPAV1@PAV1@@Z.. unresolved external symbol public class Field __thiscall Field addField class Field addField@Field@@QAEPAV1@PAV1@@Z referenced.. external symbol public class Field __thiscall Field addField class Field addField@Field@@QAEPAV1@PAV1@@Z referenced in function..