

c++ Programming Glossary: filenames

Define std::string in C++ without escape characters


c string escaping share improve this question For filenames just use forward back the other direction slash. It works on..

Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C++ 2010 Express [closed]


opencv_videostab243d.lib Note that the filenames end with d for debug . Click Ok to close the dialog. Click Ok..

What's “wrong” with C++ wchar_t and wstrings? What are some alternatives to wide characters?


some files simply cannot be opened without using wchar_t filenames though Windows is the only platform where this is true as far..

WINMAIN and main() in C++ (Extended)


is Windows ANSI which does not support general Windows filenames such as for a Norwegian Windows installation filenames with.. filenames such as for a Norwegian Windows installation filenames with Greek or Cyrillic characters . Therefore Microsoft chose..

Correct C++ code file extension? .cc vs .cpp [closed]


I am mainly concerned with programs on Linux systems. c filenames share improve this question At the end of the day it doesn't..

C++ - Load all filename + count the number of files in a current directory + filter file extension


how to filter file extension also c file osx directory filenames share improve this question Link the following program with..

Qt 4.x: how to implement drag-and-drop onto the desktop or into a folder?


where you will get requests for text uri list data for the filenames and then application octet stream for the data. Hope this helps..

Convert bitmap to PNG in-memory in C++ (win32)


gil PNG IO extension but unfortunately that takes char filenames and if you dig into it the png_writer and file_mgr classes in..

Stack trace for C++ using gcc


xutility file?


assume it is a text file containing the list of the image filenames to be processed one per line FILE f fopen filename rt if f..

How to get file extension from string in C++


extension part I need a cross platform solution. c string filenames share improve this question You have to make sure you take..

WChars, Encodings, Standards and Portability


valid UTF16 e.g. naked surrogates are valid NTFS filenames . The Standard C fopen is not able to open all NTFS files since.. possibly wrong. For example you have to consider that the filenames you use to open files can be different from the filenames that.. filenames you use to open files can be different from the filenames that are actually used and that two seemingly different filenames..

random_shuffle algorithm - are identical results produced without random generator function?


with the same data For example if std random_shuffle filenames.begin filenames.end is performed on the same list of filenames.. data For example if std random_shuffle filenames.begin filenames.end is performed on the same list of filenames from a directory.. filenames.end is performed on the same list of filenames from a directory in successive runs of the program is the random..

Convert between string, u16string & u32string


some files simply cannot be opened without using wchar_t filenames though Windows is the only platform where this is true as far..

Boost::GIL How to save image as JPEG or PNG into char*?


in boost itself. All I O seems to be based on supplying filenames. However there seems to be an extension here called io_new that..