c++ Programming Glossary: file.open
how to write all the <p> tags to text file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17632550/how-to-write-all-the-p-tags-to-text-file loop.exec QFile file Users David Desktop text123.txt file.open QIODevice WriteOnly file.write reply readAll delete reply.. QString e folder file 1.txt .arg i QFile file filename file.open QIODevice WriteOnly file.write match.captured 1 .toUtf8 file.close..
C++ can I reuse fstream to open and write multiple files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2284775/c-can-i-reuse-fstream-to-open-and-write-multiple-files std ofstream file 1 ... file.close file.clear clear flags file.open 2 ... and so on Also note you don't need to close it the last..
Convert big endian to little endian when reading from a binary file [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3823921/convert-big-endian-to-little-endian-when-reading-from-a-binary-file fstream using namespace std int main ifstream file file.open file.bin ios in ios binary if file cerr Not able to read endl..
Why can't I read fstream's binary data with operator>>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4151840/why-cant-i-read-fstreams-binary-data-with-operator If I do something like the following ifstream file file.open somefile ios binary unsigned int data file data my stream will..
How can I read from memory just like from a file using iostream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4346240/how-can-i-read-from-memory-just-like-from-a-file-using-iostream would read from a disc like here ifstream file string line file.open C file.txt if file.is_open while file.good getline file line..
How to serialize and deserialize rich text in QTextEdit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4402558/how-to-serialize-and-deserialize-rich-text-in-qtextedit dbk_memb return in Then I call this QFile file myFileName file.open QIODevice WriteOnly QDataStream out file out AAA_object in order..
Qt how to open a file in current dir ? or what's wrong with this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4731736/qt-how-to-open-a-file-in-current-dir-or-whats-wrong-with-this QDir currentPath path.append acc.xml QFile file path if file.open QIODevice ReadOnly insertItem IO ERR When I run it from Qt..
C++ Read Lines from File http://stackoverflow.com/questions/551082/c-read-lines-from-file fstream using namespace std int main fstream file file.open test.txt ios in ios out file Hello World cout file file.close..
Loading a file into a vector<char> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7241871/loading-a-file-into-a-vectorchar ifstream badbit std ifstream failbit std ifstream eofbit file.open test.txt file.seekg 0 std ios end std streampos length file.tellg..
Why is this C code faster than this C++ code ? getting biggest line in file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8852835/why-is-this-c-code-faster-than-this-c-code-getting-biggest-line-in-file fileName FILE_PATH string s ifstream file int size 0 file.open fileName.c_str if file printf could not open file return 0..
Read Unicode files C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/901473/read-unicode-files-c . Regards Here a put a very simple example wifstream file file.open C appLog.txt ios in wchar_t buffer 2048 file.seekg 2 file.getline..