c++ Programming Glossary: filename.c_str
execv() and const-ness http://stackoverflow.com/questions/190184/execv-and-const-ness do this const char args 4 args 0 usr bin whatever args 1 filename.c_str args 2 someparameter.c_str args 3 0 execv args 0 args This doesn't..
How to read file which contains \uxxxx in vc++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3147900/how-to-read-file-which-contains-uxxxx-in-vc const std wstring filename L test.txt std ifstream stream filename.c_str std ios in std ios binary stream.seekg 0 std ios end const std..
Why don't the std::fstream classes take a std::string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32332/why-dont-the-stdfstream-classes-take-a-stdstring std string filename testfile std ifstream fin fin.open filename.c_str Works just fine. fin.close fin.open filename Error no such method...
Redirecting in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3667201/redirecting-in-c const std string filename backup_ std cout.rdbuf filestr_ filename.c_str sbuf_ filestr_.rdbuf std cout.rdbuf sbuf_ ~scoped_cout_redirector..
Serializing OpenCV Mat_<Vec3f> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4170745/serializing-opencv-mat-vec3f following void saveMat Mat m string filename ofstream ofs filename.c_str boost archive binary_oarchive oa ofs boost archive text_oarchive.. oa m void loadMat Mat m string filename std ifstream ifs filename.c_str boost archive binary_iarchive ia ifs boost archive text_iarchive..
Fstream fails to create new file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4806625/fstream-fails-to-create-new-file filename if stream_.is_open stream_.close stream_.open filename.c_str and write void FileManager write std string const data if stream_.is_open.. std ios_base if stream_.is_open stream_.close stream_.open filename.c_str ...try existing file if stream_.is_open ...else create new file..... if stream_.is_open ...else create new file... stream_.open filename.c_str ios_base in ios_base out ios_base trunc So the code tests for..
Loading data into a vector of structures http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5110306/loading-data-into-a-vector-of-structures string filename int i 0 ifstream fileIn fileIn.open filename.c_str if fileIn if the bool value of fileIn is false cout The input..
C++ reading unsigned char from file stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/604431/c-reading-unsigned-char-from-file-stream 128 size_t toRead 128 std basic_ifstream unsigned char inf filename.c_str std ios_base in std ios_base binary if inF.good std vector unsigned..
C++ ifstream error using string as opening file path. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6323619/c-ifstream-error-using-string-as-opening-file-path question Change ifstream file filename to ifstream file filename.c_str Because the constructor for an ifstream takes a const char not..
Why is failbit when eof on read? Is there a way out? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6781545/why-is-failbit-when-eof-on-read-is-there-a-way-out ifstream failbit ifstream badbit stream.open filename.c_str ios binary Any attempt to open a nonexistent file a file without..
ifstream object.eof() not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/730910/ifstream-object-eof-not-working imt main string filename getline cin filename ifstream ifs filename.c_str if ifs.is_open error string line while getline ifs line do..
imread not working in Opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7417637/imread-not-working-in-opencv WIN32 #define ourImread filename isColor cvLoadImage filename.c_str isColor #else #define ourImread filename isColor imread filename..
Having a matrix MxN of integers how to group them into polygons with boost geometry? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8039896/having-a-matrix-mxn-of-integers-how-to-group-them-into-polygons-with-boost-geome point_type std string filename draw.svg std ofstream svg filename.c_str boost geometry svg_mapper point_type mapper svg 400 400 for..
Cross-platform way to get line number of an INI file where given option was found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8358975/cross-platform-way-to-get-line-number-of-an-ini-file-where-given-option-was-foun std string filename using namespace qi std ifstream ifs filename.c_str ifs.unsetf std ios skipws #if POSITIONINFO typedef std string..
C++ I/O don't understand why there is -1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8558907/c-i-o-dont-understand-why-there-is-1 string filename cout filename endl ifstream in in.open filename.c_str ios in vector char letter char temp while in.eof cout in.get..
C++ std::string conversion problem on Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/874433/c-stdstring-conversion-problem-on-windows bool Open std string filename ... HANDLE hFile CreateFile filename.c_str GENERIC_READ FILE_SHARE_READ NULL OPEN_EXISTING 0 NULL ... Error..