c++ Programming Glossary: file.is_open
Get a font filename based on the font handle (HFONT) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16769758/get-a-font-filename-based-on-the-font-handle-hfont ifstream file fontFileName std ios binary std ios ate if file.is_open return size_t fileSize file.tellg if fileSize FONT_FINGERPRINT_SIZE..
What is the most elegant way to read a text file with c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195323/what-is-the-most-elegant-way-to-read-a-text-file-with-c char ifstream file file.txt ios in ios binary ios ate if file.is_open file.seekg 0 ios end size file.tellg char contents new char..
Why can't I read and append with std::fstream on Mac OS X? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2305480/why-cant-i-read-and-append-with-stdfstream-on-mac-os-x int main fstream file afile.txt ios in ios out ios app if file.is_open cerr open failed endl return 1 else file.seekg 0 ios beg move..
How can I read from memory just like from a file using iostream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4346240/how-can-i-read-from-memory-just-like-from-a-file-using-iostream here ifstream file string line file.open C file.txt if file.is_open while file.good getline file line file.close But I have file..
Loading a file into a vector<char> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7241871/loading-a-file-into-a-vectorchar this std vector char vec std ifstream file test.txt assert file.is_open while file.eof file.fail char buffer 100 file.read buffer 100..
Getting garbage chars when reading GLSL files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7344640/getting-garbage-chars-when-reading-glsl-files tutorial ifstream file fname ios in ios binary ios ate if file.is_open size file.tellg fSize GLuint size memblock new char size file.seekg..
What's the best technique for exiting from a constructor on an error condition in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/737653/whats-the-best-technique-for-exiting-from-a-constructor-on-an-error-condition-i simple Test to see if file is now open die otherwise if file.is_open cerr Failed to open file m_filename endl throw Failed to open..