

c++ Programming Glossary: filedata

OneOfAType container — storing one each of a given type in a container — am I off base here?


Here's what I've gotten so far the relevant bit being the FileData Get t method class FileData Cache entry interface struct FileDataCacheEntry.. far the relevant bit being the FileData Get t method class FileData Cache entry interface struct FileDataCacheEntry virtual void.. Get t method class FileData Cache entry interface struct FileDataCacheEntry virtual void Initalize FileData virtual ~FileDataCacheEntry..

WriteFile returning error 1784


files of variable sizes using WriteFile . WriteFile hFile FileData i 1024 dwWrote NULL err GetLastError err returns #1784 which.. out how it relates to the issue I am experiencing. EDIT FileData char malloc sizeof char size_t k 1024 memset FileData 245 sizeof.. EDIT FileData char malloc sizeof char size_t k 1024 memset FileData 245 sizeof char size_t k 1024 FileData is set and allocated..