

c++ Programming Glossary: file's

Get file's owner and group using boost


file's owner and group using boost I want to get the owner and group.. filesystem but never found any way to do so. I can get the file's permissions but as I don't know the file's owner this just doesn't.. I can get the file's permissions but as I don't know the file's owner this just doesn't mean anything. I found the posix fstat..

How to write a custom native visualizer DLL for Visual Studio 2012 debugger?


the DLL methods' names are exactly matching the .navis file's Type . Also make sure the current .dll and .natvis files have..

using fstream to read every character including spaces and newline


question Probably the best way is to read the entire file's contents into a string which can be done very easily using ifstream's..

C++: Convert text file of integers into a bitmap image file in BMP format


delimitied strings representing integers Assumption source file's contents are valid Assumption non rectangular numbers of integers..

Getting segmentation fault SIGSEGV in memcpy after mmap


permitted. But I don't understand why I already asked all file's memory to be mapped I'm attaching my code and the error I got..

Embed image in code, without using resource section or external images


stud3.tuwien.ac.at ~e0025274 bin2c bin2c.c . It takes a file's binary representation and spits out a C source file that includes..

Where is a file mounted?


the parent directories. All you have to do is get the file's device number and then find the corresponding mount entry with..

OneOfAType container — storing one each of a given type in a container — am I off base here?


might wish to associate a large chunk of data such as that file's SHA512 hash which requires a reasonable amount of time to compute...

Why use #ifndef CLASS_H and #define CLASS_H in .h file but not in .cpp?


between it and the #endif directive. The next time that file's contents are seen by the preprocessor the check against FILE_H..

How to compare 2 volumes and list modified files?


I'm recursing through the new volume and comparing each file's time stamps to the old volume's files if they are int the old..

Solving the Visual Studio 2010 AlwaysCreate rebuild issue


mod date. The dependancy checked would note that hey this file's pretty old we have to rebuild it and then it would ask if I..

Issuing system commands in Linux from C, C++


whatever and the header is still stdlib.h . That header file's name means standard library which means it's on every standard..

foreach not recognized in C++


foreach.h . If you're curious I can try to send you the file's source code. Also props for finding Stack Overflow Though your..

How can I determine a file's creation date in Windows?


can I determine a file's creation date in Windows How can I get the date of when a file..

How to see if a subfile of a directory has changed


it has the same problem as the last modification date. The file's archive bit will be set but the folders will not. c windows..

How can I get a file's size in C++?


can I get a file's size in C Let's create a complementary question to this one..

“using namespace” in c++ headers


easy way to enforce this is to always include each source file's own header as the first thing before any other headers. Then..

C++ Search Performance


will be obtained from miscellaneous sources. That is this file's contents will change each time the program is executed ~0.5MB..