c# Programming Glossary: requesting
What is point of SSL if fiddler 2 can decrypt all calls over HTTPS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10808930/what-is-point-of-ssl-if-fiddler-2-can-decrypt-all-calls-over-https do make sure the SSL is connecting to is the one it was requesting. Basically saying there can not be a middle man. c# ssl .net..
HttpWebRequest or WebRequest - Resume Download ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1336203/httpwebrequest-or-webrequest-resume-download-asp-net today but I would like to check if the server where i'm requesting the download supports resume functionallity. c# asp.net httpwebrequest..
C# WebClient - View source question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1471062/c-sharp-webclient-view-source-question A few sites do really crazy things in sub requests like requesting compressed or encrypted text via ajax and then using client..
Request.UrlReferrer null? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/149130/request-urlreferrer-null login I would like to return them to the page they were requesting before they were forced to log in. UPDATE A nice quick solution..
How do I log ALL exceptions globally for a C# MVC4 WebAPI app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15167927/how-do-i-log-all-exceptions-globally-for-a-c-sharp-mvc4-webapi-app things to the error logging such as the IP address of the requesting user date time and so forth. I also want to be able to e mail..
Exclude a field/property from the database with Entity Framework 4 & Code-First http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1707663/exclude-a-field-property-from-the-database-with-entity-framework-4-code-first I suggest you tell leave a comment on the EFDesign blog requesting this feature Hope this helps Alex share improve this answer..
.NET autogenerated web-service client: How do I avoid requesting schemas from w3.org? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/217841/net-autogenerated-web-service-client-how-do-i-avoid-requesting-schemas-from-w3 autogenerated web service client How do I avoid requesting schemas from w3.org I have a .NET web service client that has..
C# Thread Termination and Thread.Abort() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2251964/c-sharp-thread-termination-and-thread-abort
Windows 7 and Vista UAC - Programatically requesting elevation in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2282448/windows-7-and-vista-uac-programatically-requesting-elevation-in-c-sharp 7 and Vista UAC Programatically requesting elevation in C# I have a program that only requires elevation..
ComboBox AutoComplete on SubString http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3694720/combobox-autocomplete-on-substring text box with modifications that perform as you are requesting. Copy the code into a new form. Then before doing anything else..
C# WebClient disable cache http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3812089/c-sharp-webclient-disable-cache finished updating. In any case specially if you are always requesting the same file over and over or if you can't find where the problem.. if possible I advise you to reconsider your approach in requesting the same file time after time and instead look into building..
Correct way to deal with UAC in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3925065/correct-way-to-deal-with-uac-in-c-sharp of the menu item. This follows the Windows behavior of not requesting UAC permissions until the last moment. The button actually will..
C#/ASP Based Reverse AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3935003/c-asp-based-reverse-ajax
Ninject + Bind generic repository http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4370515/ninject-bind-generic-repository an open generic. If you are receiving null back when requesting IRepository of whatever then there may be some other problem..
ListView DataItem Shows Null http://stackoverflow.com/questions/609276/listview-dataitem-shows-null event is invoked when a button is pressed requesting the records to be updated The Listview shows text using #Eval..
Google+ API: How can I use RefreshTokens to avoid requesting access every time my app launches? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7454930/google-api-how-can-i-use-refreshtokens-to-avoid-requesting-access-every-time-m API How can I use RefreshTokens to avoid requesting access every time my app launches I'm trying to use the Google..
Why is this WebRequest code slow? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/754333/why-is-this-webrequest-code-slow to do 2 I am not receiving the body my code should only be requesting the header. So how do i solve this c# httpwebrequest httpwebresponse..
Performance Counter - System.InvalidOperationException: Category does not exist http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8171865/performance-counter-system-invalidoperationexception-category-does-not-exist counter .aspx .asmx console app winform app etc could be requesting this statistic at any rate it could be requested once every..
HttpWebRequest & Native GZip Compression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/839888/httpwebrequest-native-gzip-compression Native GZip Compression When requesting a page with Gzip compression I am getting a lot of the following..