c# Programming Glossary: request.servervariables
Request.UrlReferrer null? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/149130/request-urlreferrer-null logged in Response.Redirect ..MyLoginPage.aspx returnUrl Request.ServerVariables SCRIPT_NAME Then just look at QueryString on login page you..
Check for SSL when hosted in Rackspace (Mosso) Cloud http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2093858/check-for-ssl-when-hosted-in-rackspace-mosso-cloud void Page_Load object sender System.EventArgs e if Request.ServerVariables HTTP_CLUSTER_HTTPS on if Request.ServerVariables.Get HTTP_CLUSTER.. e if Request.ServerVariables HTTP_CLUSTER_HTTPS on if Request.ServerVariables.Get HTTP_CLUSTER HTTPS null string xredir__ xqstr__ xredir__.. HTTPS null string xredir__ xqstr__ xredir__ https Request.ServerVariables SERVER_NAME xredir__ Request.ServerVariables SCRIPT_NAME xqstr__..
How to detect IIS version using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/446390/how-to-detect-iis-version-using-c etc. If you're using ASP.NET you can get this string via Request.ServerVariables SERVER_SOFTWARE EDIT It seems that you will have to query the..
Client IP using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4551660/client-ip-using-c-sharp attempt to take into account proxies. For that you can use Request.ServerVariables HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR . However make sure you're not trusting..
Best way in asp.net to force https for an entire site? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/47089/best-way-in-asp-net-to-force-https-for-an-entire-site false Response.Redirect https Request.ServerVariables HTTP_HOST HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl that would go..
Why does ServerVariable[“REMOTE_ADDR”] returns the server IP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6914457/why-does-servervariableremote-addr-returns-the-server-ip returns the server IP I have the following code string ip Request.ServerVariables REMOTE_ADDR Which in the test environment does return the user..