

c# Programming Glossary: requestformat

REST WCF service locks thread when called using AJAX in an ASP.Net site


these Execute2 and Execute3 OperationContract WebInvoke RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json UriTemplate..

WCF strange behaviour


WebInvoke Method POST ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json BodyStyle WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped.. get set public string error get set WebInvoke Method POST RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json UriTemplate..

Getting a POST endpoint to work in self-hosted (WebServiceHost) C# webservice?


ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json string PutMessage string jsonString If.. ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json string PutMessage string jsonString What.. ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json public string PutMessageGET string str..

Deserialize JSON object sent from Android app to WCF webservice


public class TestService OperationContract WebInvoke RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json BodyStyle..

Why does my C# client, POSTing to my WCF REST service, return (400) Bad Request?


OperationContract WebInvoke Method POST UriTemplate create RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json String..

Make ASP.NET WCF convert dictionary to JSON, omitting “Key” & “Value” tags


Method POST BodyStyle WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json public..

Making of JSON Webservice using C# .NET


and interpret proper json. WebGet UriTemplate user userid RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json The..

Client configuration to consume WCF JSON web service


getcar id Car GetCar string id OperationContract WebInvoke RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json BodyStyle..