

c# Programming Glossary: request.getresponse

How to detect the language of a string?


request WebRequest.Create _requestUrl WebResponse response request.GetResponse StreamReader reader new StreamReader response.GetResponseStream..

C# HttpWebRequest command to get directory listing


url using HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse using StreamReader reader new StreamReader response.GetResponseStream..

C# keep session id over httpwebrequest


using HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse save headers for int i 0 i response.Headers.Count i headerCollection.Add.. using HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse Do stuff with response then HttpWebRequest request HttpWebRequest..

HttpWebRequest not passing Credentials


HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse c# asp.net httpwebrequest share improve this question If..

Best way to test if a website is alive from a C# applicaiton


localhost myContentSite test.aspx WebResponse response request.GetResponse I am assuming that if there are no exceptions thown during this.. this question HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse if response null response.StatusCode HttpStatusCode.OK share..

Programmatically get a screenshot of a page


as HttpWebRequest Bitmap bitmap using Stream stream request.GetResponse .GetResponseStream bitmap new Bitmap stream now that you have..

Characters in string changed after downloading HTML from the internet


deflate using HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse Headers response.Headers Url response.ResponseUri return ProcessContent..

how to change originating IP in HttpWebRequest


http application.com using System.Net.WebResponse response request.GetResponse StreamReader sr new StreamReader response.GetResponseStream..

Download image from the site in .NET/C#


uri HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse Check that the remote file was found. The ContentType check..

Automatic Cookie Handling C#/.NET HttpWebRequest+HttpWebResponse


cookieJar HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse int cookieCount cookieJar.Count Once you create a cookieJar..

HttpWebRequest times out on second call


time it is run The code hangs at using Stream objStream request.GetResponse .GetResponseStream and then causes a WebException saying that.. HttpWebRequest Edit It seems the code is falling over in request.GetResponse Edit This post suggests it may be a GC issue http www.vbforums.com.. string responseString String.Empty try using var response request.GetResponse using Stream objStream response.GetResponseStream using..

ebay api - returning auctions ending later than 10 days


the request HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse we will read data via the response stream Stream resStream..

C# - HttpWebRequest POST (Login to Facebook)


first request.. HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse cookies response.Cookies Second request POST the form data and..

Fastest way to test internet connection


HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse if response.StatusCode HttpStatusCode.OK Console.WriteLine..

How to post JSON to the server?


the status code HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse string result using StreamReader rdr new StreamReader response.GetResponseStream..