

c# Programming Glossary: decimal.parse

Converting string to decimal


USD 92.90 How would you parse this out as a decimal with Decimal.Parse fcn. c# share improve this question I'm going on the assumption.. for this c.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol USD decimal d Decimal.Parse USD 92.90 NumberStyles.Currency c share improve this answer..

Parse a Number from Exponential Notation


in exponential notation to a decimal data type but Decimal.Parse 1.2345E 02 simply throws an error c# .net numberformat exponent.. a floating point number you have to tell it that decimal d Decimal.Parse 1.2345E 02 System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float share improve..

Parse decimal and filter extra 0 on the right?


on the format 1.132000 6.000000 Currently I am using Decimal.Parse like this decimal myDecimal Decimal.Parse node.Element myElementName.. I am using Decimal.Parse like this decimal myDecimal Decimal.Parse node.Element myElementName .Value System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture..

Problem parsing currency text to decimal type


45.00 NumberStyles.Currency The MSDN documentation on Decimal.Parse states The s parameter is interpreted using the NumberStyles.Number.. and white space that can be present in s use the Decimal.Parse String NumberStyles IFormatProvider method share improve this..

C# Decimal.Parse issue with commas


Decimal.Parse issue with commas Here's my problem for en US Decimal.Parse.. issue with commas Here's my problem for en US Decimal.Parse 1 2 3 4 returns 1234 instead of throwing an InvalidFormatException... thousands because the default NumberStyles value used by Decimal.Parse NumberStyles.Number includes NumberStyles.AllowThousands . If..

How to convert percentage string to double?


would allow formatting errors to pass undetected. var num decimal.Parse value.TrimEnd new char ' ' ' ' 100M This will ensure that the.. pieces 1 ... some error handling ... var num decimal.Parse pieces 0 100M Using Replace will allow you to successfully and..

Reading csv file


row 0 Reference row 1 Description row 2 Amount decimal.Parse row 3 Category Category Enum.Parse typeof Category row 4 but..

Remove trailing zeros?


as this if the input IS a string string.Format 0 G29 decimal.Parse 2.0044 or decimal.Parse 2.0044 .ToString G29 or 2.0m.ToString.. IS a string string.Format 0 G29 decimal.Parse 2.0044 or decimal.Parse 2.0044 .ToString G29 or 2.0m.ToString G29 This should work for.. switch to the exponential notation. string.Format 0 G29 decimal.Parse 0.00000001 System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo en..

Problem parsing currency text to decimal type


MyNFI.NumberGroupSeparator MyNFI.CurrencySymbol decimal d decimal.Parse 45.00 MyNFI throws exception here... c# parsing decimal numberformat.. share improve this question How about using decimal d decimal.Parse 45.00 NumberStyles.Currency The MSDN documentation on Decimal.Parse..