

c# Programming Glossary: de

Getting ServiceStack to retain type information


type information I'm using ServiceStack to serialize and deserialize some objects to JSON. Consider this example public.. to serialize and deserialize some objects to JSON. Consider this example public class Container public Animal Animal get.. improve this question Inheritance in DTOs is a bad idea DTO's should be as self describing as possible and by using..

Why does my C# gzip produce a larger file than Fiddler or PHP?


If I GZip this text Hello World through C# using this code Stream stream new MemoryStream Encoding.Default.GetBytes Hello.. new GZipStream compressedMemoryStream CompressionMode.Compress stream.CopyTo gzipStream gzipStream.Close the resulting.. result is correct but obviously this means that I can't decompress the PHP zip from within .NET or visa versa. Why is the..

How do you de-elevate privileges for a child process


do you de elevate privileges for a child process I know how to launch.. title to something better I couldn't come up with a good description. c# process uac elevation share improve this question.. process uac elevation share improve this question We ended up using the sample from this Code Project article High elevation..

Recommended ServiceStack API Structure


ServiceStack API Structure I'm trying work out the best way.. the least effort friction and chattiness whilst others may define Best in how closely it follows the principles of REST. So.. the principles of REST. So you will get varied responses depending on what the goals are. I can only offer how I would approach..

XML Serialization and Inherited Types


question I have been working on getting my object model to serialize to XML. But I have now run into a problem quelle.. base class type which is populated by the concrete derived types. I thought it would be fine to just add the XML attributes.. the case So I have done some digging on Google and I now understand why it's not working.. In that the XmlSerializer is in..

Why XML-Serializable class need a parameterless constructor


class need a parameterless constructor I'm writing code to do Xml serialization. With below function. public static.. Boolean throwOnError at System.Xml.Serialization.ModelScope.GetTypeModel Type type Boolean direct Reference at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping.. at System.Xml.Serialization.ModelScope.GetTypeModel Type type Boolean direct Reference at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping..

How do events cause memory leaks in C# and how do Weak References help mitigate that?


of resources that implement IDisposable Referencing and de referencing events incorrectly. I don't really understand the.. and de referencing events incorrectly. I don't really understand the second point. If the source object has a longer lifetime.. Can you explain how events can cause memory leaks with code in C# and how I can code to get around it using Weak References..

Remove duplicates from a List<T> in C#


from a List T in C# Anyone have a quick method for de duplicating a generic List in C# c# generics share improve..

Serialize Class containing Dictionary member


Dictionary member Expanding upon my earlier problem I've decided to de serialize my config file class which worked great... member Expanding upon my earlier problem I've decided to de serialize my config file class which worked great. I.. member Expanding upon my earlier problem I've decided to de serialize my config file class which worked great. I now want..

format date in c#


dt.ToString dd MM yy In addition you might want to consider using one of the predefined date time formats e.g DateTime.Now.ToString.. In addition you might want to consider using one of the predefined date time formats e.g DateTime.Now.ToString g returns 02.. 02 01 2009 9 07 PM for en US or 01.02.2009 21 07 for de CH These ensure that the format will be correct independent..

How can I get a list of users from active directory?


If you are new to Active Directory I suggest you should understand how Active Directory stores data first. Active Directory.. foreach var result in searcher.FindAll DirectoryEntry de result.GetUnderlyingObject as DirectoryEntry Console.WriteLine.. result in searcher.FindAll DirectoryEntry de result.GetUnderlyingObject as DirectoryEntry Console.WriteLine First Name de.Properties..

Entity Framework with XML Files [closed]


improve this question Entity Framework itself is provider based and is designed to operate over a relational database... Entity Framework itself is provider based and is designed to operate over a relational database. If you really wanted.. If you really wanted to you could write your own provider for EF that reads from writes to an xml file but it would be..

Creating an MVVM friendly dialog strategy


forms for use throughout any part of my application. My understanding so far is that I will need a single UserControl in.. root of my MainWindow. This will be bound to its own ViewModel which will handle the messages that are sent within the app... be generic in a way that I can throw any probably a ViewModel at it... for it to render the ViewModel via a DataTemplate..

How to (de)construct data frames in WebSockets hybi 08+?


to de construct data frames in WebSockets hybi 08 Since Chrome updated.. can I send and receive WebSocket messages on the server side It's fairly easy but it's important to understand the format... the server side It's fairly easy but it's important to understand the format. The first byte is almost always 1000 0001..

ServiceStack.Net Redis: Storing Related Objects vs. Related Object Ids


Related Objects vs. Related Object Ids My team has decided to work with Redis via the ServiceStack.net Redis Client.. Related Objects vs. Related Object Ids My team has decided to work with Redis via the ServiceStack.net Redis Client as.. with Redis via the ServiceStack.net Redis Client as an underlying repository for a new high volume website we're working..

Why is String.IsNullOrEmpty faster than String.Length?


0 4 .Select _ new Stopwatch .ToArray var strings A B C DE F G H I J K L MN OP Q R STU V W X Y Z .Split ' ' var testers.. other overhead removed as in this test var strings A B C DE F G H I J K L MN OP Q R STU V W X Y Z .Split ' ' int count 0..

Will a request in IIS run on a single thread?


Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture new CultureInfo de DE But for what you are using the page level or web.config level..

How to embed multilanguage *.resx (or *.resources) files in single EXE?


I need class method which will get culture string i.e. de DE resource name i.e. CancelText and return translated text based..

How to translate CultureInfo language names


the name in English surprisingly... So for CultureInfo de DE this gives on an English .net installation German Deutsch German.. question Is there a way to ask for the language name of de DE in another language E.g. I want the language name of de DE in.. DE in another language E.g. I want the language name of de DE in Dutch which would be 'Duits' . c# cultureinfo share improve..

Get just the hour of day from DateTime using either 12 or 24 hour format as defined by the current culture


this for en US 5 00 pm . For a 24 hour culture such as de DE it would return 17 00 . What I want is a way to just return.. DateTime.Now.ToHourString new CultureInfo de DE ... public static class DateTimeExtensions public static string..

How to load different RESX files based on some parameter


files brand1_myPage.aspx.en US.resx brand1_myPage.aspx.de DE.resx brand1_myPage.aspx.fr FR.resx brand2_myPage.aspx.en US.resx.. brand2_myPage.aspx.en US.resx brand2_myPage.aspx.de DE.resx brand2_myPage.aspx.fr FR.resx myPage.aspx will be looking.. exception messages if you set the culture to say de DE brandX and you have de DE localization installed in the OS for..

WPF: How to change the CurrentUICulture at runtime


sender RoutedEventArgs e Settings.Default.Culture de DE Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture new CultureInfo Settings.Default.Culture..

Adding your own HtmlHelper in ASP.NET MVC 3


AR Arkansas CA California CO Colorado CT Connecticut DE Delaware FL Florida GA Georgia HI Hawaii ID Idaho IL Illinois..

Use “real” CultureInfo.CurrentCulture in WPF Binding, not CultureInfo from IetfLanguageTag


value selected in systems region settings says e.g. for de DE dd.MM.yyyy is used instead of selected yyyy MM dd Is there a..

Get timezone by Country and Region


the following info for some sample IP address Country Code DE Country Name Germany Region Name Hessen City Frankfurt Am Main..