

c# Programming Glossary: debug.writeline

WinRT: Loading static data with GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync()


new SampleData var uri new Uri ms appx Assets data.xml Debug.WriteLine Getting file from Application var file await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync.. file await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync uri Debug.WriteLine Opening file for reading async var stream await file.OpenStreamForReadAsync.. var serializer new XmlSerializer typeof MyObject Debug.WriteLine Begin deserialization var result MyObject serializer.Deserialize..

How to add a Blend Behavior in a Style Setter


null protected override void Invoke object parameter Debug.WriteLine Message MessageParameter AssociatedObject parameter Finally..

Releasing temporary COM objects


C# - Get a list of files excluding those that are hidden


Why do C# Multidimensional arrays not implement IEnumerable<T>?


new int 10 int multiDimensional new int 10 10 Debug.WriteLine singleDimensionArray is IEnumerable int Debug.WriteLine multiDimensional.. 10 Debug.WriteLine singleDimensionArray is IEnumerable int Debug.WriteLine multiDimensional is IEnumerable int Debug.WriteLine singleDimensionArray.. int Debug.WriteLine multiDimensional is IEnumerable int Debug.WriteLine singleDimensionArray is IEnumerable Debug.WriteLine multiDimensional..

C# How do I click a button by hitting Enter whilst textbox has focus?


btn new Button Dock DockStyle.Bottom btn.Click delegate Debug.WriteLine Submit tb.Text Application.Run new Form AcceptButton btn Controls.. btn new Button Dock DockStyle.Bottom btn.Click delegate Debug.WriteLine Submit tb.Text tb.KeyDown sender args if args.KeyCode Keys.Return..

c# Active Directory Services findAll() returns only 1000 entries [duplicate]


adslist.Add e 0 pc samaccountname 0 .ToString Debug.WriteLine adslist.Last c# active directory share improve this question..

WaitAll for multiple handles on a STA thread is not supported


Wait for all threads in pool WaitHandle.WaitAll doneEvents Debug.WriteLine Search completed Update The following solution doesn ™t work..

Changing text color in C# Console Application


failed Win32Error code irc 0x irc.ToString x Debug.WriteLine LargestWindowHeight Console.LargestWindowHeight LargestWindowWidth.. LargestWindowWidth Console.LargestWindowWidth Debug.WriteLine BufferHeight Console.BufferHeight WindowHeight Console.WindowHeight.. these are relative to the buffer not the screen Debug.WriteLine WindowTop Console.WindowTop WindowLeft Console.WindowLeft Debug.WriteLine..

Is there a much better way to create deep and shallow clones in C#?


exception.InnerException.Message Debug.WriteLine errorMessage if throwInCaseOfError throw return clonedInstance..