c# Programming Glossary: dbset
Add Controller in MVC4 not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12172074/add-controller-in-mvc4-not-working get set public class ProjectBuildContext DbContext public DbSet ProjectBuild builds get set Below is my connection string add..
How to create custom additional fields in UserProfile in MVC4 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12435252/how-to-create-custom-additional-fields-in-userprofile-in-mvc4 model public class MyDatabaseContext DbContext public DbSet UserProfile UserProfiles get set protected override void OnModelCreating..
Unit testing with EF4 “Code First” and Repository http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3463017/unit-testing-with-ef4-code-first-and-repository public interface IWeightTrackerContext DbSet WeightEntry WeightEntries get set int SaveChanges ...and its.. DbContext IWeightTrackerContext public DbSet WeightEntry WeightEntries get set In my test I have the following.. public MockWeightTrackerContext WeightEntries new DbSet WeightEntry WeightEntries.Add new WeightEntry Date DateTime.Parse..
Is DbContext the same as DataContext? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3471455/is-dbcontext-the-same-as-datacontext Customer With DbContext you can do public DbSet Customer Customers get set Basically on the ObjectContext when..
Does Entity Framework 4 Code First have support for identity generators like NHibernate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5275306/does-entity-framework-4-code-first-have-support-for-identity-generators-like-nhi DO NOT USE IN REAL SCENARIOS private static int i 0 public DbSet MyEntity MyEntities get private set public Context base connection..
Entity Framework 4.1 DbSet Reload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5799737/entity-framework-4-1-dbset-reload Framework 4.1 DbSet Reload I'm using a single instance of DbContext scenario to.. for IQueryable Load lets me preload the elements of a DbSet so that I can bind things to the Local property of DbSet . Data.. a DbSet so that I can bind things to the Local property of DbSet . Data in the database changes rapidly so I want to SaveChanges..
What causes .Attach() to be slow in EF4? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5917478/what-causes-attach-to-be-slow-in-ef4 that does a foreach var entity in entityList Context.GetIDbSet T .Attach entity Context.SetState entity EntityState.Modified.. string P50 get set public class MyContext DbContext public DbSet MyClass MyClassSet get set ... and this test program ... using..
Why is inserting entities in EF 4.1 so slow compared to ObjectContext? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5943394/why-is-inserting-entities-in-ef-4-1-so-slow-compared-to-objectcontext it's still slow but takes around 20s. It looks like DbSet is doing some linear searches which takes square amount of time..... They are The Add Attach Find Local or Remove members on DbSet The GetValidationErrors Entry or SaveChanges members on DbContext..