

c# Programming Glossary: dbtype.string

anyway see why I get this “Concurrency Violation” in these few lines of code??? Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records


c da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add _emp_firstname DbType.String 0 emp_firstname da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add _emp_lastname.. da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add _emp_lastname DbType.String 0 emp_lastname da.InsertCommand.UpdatedRowSource UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord.. c da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add _emp_firstname DbType.String 0 emp_firstname da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add _emp_lastname..

Passing List<> to SQL Stored Procedure


ReportId DbType.Int32 Id db.AddInParameter dbCommand Items DbType.String perms db.ExecuteNonQuery dbCommand and this in the Stored procedure..

how to update a table using oledb parameters?


NewParm.DbType DbType.Int32 or other data type such as DbType.String DbType.DateTime etc MyUpdate.Parameters.Add NewParm Now on to.. ParmForAnotherField NewValueForAnotherField NewParm.DbType DbType.String MyUpdate.Parameters.Add NewParm finally the last one... NewParm..

“Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed” error (for lengthy operations only)


1 1 db.AddInParameter cmd @DataRows DbType.String dataStringToProcess.ToString db.AddInParameter cmd currDate.. UserID db.AddOutParameter cmd CountOfUnchangedZipCode DbType.String 1000 DbDataReader rdr null try rdr DbDataReader db.ExecuteReader..

SCOPE_IDENTITY() always returning 0


DbParameter param param CreateInParameter Specimen_ID DbType.String param.Value dump.Specimen_ID cmd.Parameters.Add param .......

How do I get around the “'” problem in sqlite and c#?


field values @param param.ParameterName param param.DbType DbType.String param.Value @ This is a sample value with a single quote like..