

c# Programming Glossary: deadlocks

HttpClient.GetAsync(…) never returns when using await/async


more detail on the contexts. Also see Await and UI and deadlocks Oh my which does apply here even though you're in ASP.NET rather..

ProcessStartInfo hanging on “WaitForExit”? Why?


to ensure that the buffer doesn't get full. To avoid any deadlocks and collect up all output from both StandardOutput and StandardError..

Unit test for thread safe-ness?


you there Microsoft Chess Typemock Racer Both check for deadlocks in your code via unit test and I think Chess checks for race.. unit test and the run your code several times and check if deadlocks race conditions is possible in your code. Edit Google has released..

Using lock statement within a loop in C#


time it is acceptable for it to block for a short time. No deadlocks and so on. Does this sum up the problem space First off I note..

C#/.NET analysis tool to find race conditions/deadlocks


.NET analysis tool to find race conditions deadlocks Is there a tool that analyses .NET code and finds race conditions..

Hashtable to Dictionary<> syncroot .


better than lock this which is very dangerous and prone to deadlocks. Here are a couple of links that speak to why this is bad. http..

What static analysis tools are available for C#? [closed]


analysis tools for testing code for multithreading issues deadlocks race conditions etc. also seem a bit scarce. Typemock Racer..

Re-entrant locks in C#


http dotnetdebug.net 2005 07 20 monitor class avoiding deadlocks Also lock on as few objects at a time as possible. Consider..

lock keyword in C#


background thread for some work you're likely to run into deadlocks. Sharing a resource between multiple threads requires careful..

C# Events and Thread Safety


And in addition there is the problem of possible deadlocks if a lock is held while an event is fired. So is this Cargo..

How does a static constructor work?


a classic lock order inversion condition. Your program deadlocks. Forever. That seems dangerous. How can I avoid the deadlock..

Multi threading C# application with SQL Server database calls


update query data in SQL Server or any database then deadlocks are a fact of life. You have to assume they will occur and handle.. not so say we shouldn't attempt to limit the occurence of deadlocks. However it's easy to read up on the basic causes of deadlocks.. However it's easy to read up on the basic causes of deadlocks and take steps to prevent them but SQL Server will always surprise..