

c# Programming Glossary: debate

Ghost-borders ('ringing') when resizing in GDI+


like a flaw in the algorithm to me but that is open to debate. To solve this there is an ImageAttributes class where you can..

avoiding null reference exceptions


PREVALENCE OF NULL REFERENCE ERRORS There has been some debate in this thread on whether null reference errors are a significant..

What is the best practice concerning C# short-circuit evaluation?


C# short circuit evaluation An answer and subsequent debate in the comments in another thread prompted me to ask In C# and..

Scope of variables in C#


a question for you guys on C# code writing I had a long debate with collegue of mine He says that by declaring and initilizing..

Why does >= return false when == returns true for null values?


nullable share improve this question There was a huge debate about this oddity when the feature was originally designed back..

Why does C# disallow readonly local variables?


C# disallow readonly local variables Having a friendly debate with a co worker about this. We have some thoughts about this..

Properties vs Methods


when do you decide to use methods We are busy having this debate and have found some areas where it is debatable whether we should..

How can I get every nth item from a List<T>?


Edit Looks like this question provoked quite a lot of debate which is a good thing right . The main thing I've learnt is..

How to parse a text file in C# and be io bound?


myth Well no I would not call this a myth. In fact I would debate that your original code is still IO Bound. You happen to be..

Explicitly freeing memory in c#


says 'don't use GC.collect' fair enough I'm not going to debate that other than saying you can see my C background coming through..

Underscore prefix on member variables. intellisense


intellisense everyone said the underscore no underscore debate is purely philosophical and user preference driven but with..

Memcached on Windows (x64)


or hopfully 2008. I know that this could spill over into a debate regarding 32bit vs 64bit on servers but let's just say that..