c# Programming Glossary: decide
What is the best scripting language to embed in a C# desktop application? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/137933/what-is-the-best-scripting-language-to-embed-in-a-c-sharp-desktop-application a quite a few take some time to look through them all and decide which fit your application best Add any references you want..
How to decide between MonoTouch and Objective-C? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1583856/how-to-decide-between-monotouch-and-objective-c to decide between MonoTouch and Objective C After sitting through a session..
Open source cad drawing (dwg) library in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/169390/open-source-cad-drawing-dwg-library-in-c-sharp continuous litigation with the ODA for years now. If you decide to compete with them then that's another complexity you have..
C# okay with comparing value types to null http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1972262/c-sharp-okay-with-comparing-value-types-to-null Is it possible that x could become null did Microsoft just decide to not put this check into the compiler or was it missed completely..
Webcam usage in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/233455/webcam-usage-in-c-sharp been wrapped within the OpenCVDotNet.Algs assembly. If you decide to go this route be sure to install OpenCV version 1.0 and install..
How to create trial version of .NET software? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2423976/how-to-create-trial-version-of-net-software Users can download a lite version. Whenever they decide to come to the full one they request some license key that unlocks..
How can I protect my .NET assemblies from decompilation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2478230/how-can-i-protect-my-net-assemblies-from-decompilation with your activation or security and will therefore decide not to buy again or ask for their money back. The other is that..
C# - List<T> or IList<T> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/400135/c-sharp-listt-or-ilistt than concrete implementations. This will help if you decide to change the implementation of your class later to use a different..
ASP.NET MVC $.post call returning string…need help with format for jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4101116/asp-net-mvc-post-call-returning-string-need-help-with-format-for-jqgrid . In the way you will achieve better results. If you do decide to stay at your old way you should at least fix your code to..
C# SIP Stack/Library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/498056/c-sharp-sip-stack-library still need a call control library higher level brain to decide how to process a SIP request response . You also need a media..
How would you count occurrences of a string within a string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/541954/how-would-you-count-occurrences-of-a-string-within-a-string that there were about several ways to do it but couldn't decide on what the best or easiest was. At the moment I'm going with..
Properties vs Methods http://stackoverflow.com/questions/601621/properties-vs-methods vs Methods Quick question When do you decide to use properties in C# and when do you decide to use methods.. When do you decide to use properties in C# and when do you decide to use methods We are busy having this debate and have found..
Difference between Property and Field in C# 3.0+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/653536/difference-between-property-and-field-in-c-sharp-3-0 there is a getter setter around the variable. So if you decide you want to validate the variable at a later date it will be..
Create instance of generic type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/731452/create-instance-of-generic-type to think reflection is the least clean one but I can't decide between the other two. c# .net generics share improve this..
Why can't I inherit static classes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/774181/why-cant-i-inherit-static-classes they are defined on type level . How should the compiler decide to select the method to invoke littleguru And as a valuable..
WCF - Design Parameter Decision http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9553267/wcf-design-parameter-decision using the same database the œIn Progress renewals should be decided by the Renewal service. It can be based on status or completion.. date of renewal record. It is upto the Renewal Service to decide the business logic for œIn Progress renewals. The FundManagement..
ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9705637/executereader-requires-an-open-and-available-connection-the-connections-curren into a DB Class me too 10 years ago . Mostly they decide to use static shared objects since it seems to be faster than..
Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/995255/why-is-multiple-inheritance-not-allowed-in-java-or-c The short answer is because the language designers decided not to. Basically it seemed that both the .NET and Java designers.. worked at MS on the CLR has explained the reasons why they decided not to Different languages actually have different expectations.. of all the languages figure out the common concepts and decide how to express them in a language neutral manner. We would also..