c# Programming Glossary: xmlstring
How do you find out when you've been loaded via XML Serialization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1266547/how-do-you-find-out-when-youve-been-loaded-via-xml-serialization OfficeCollection retval new OfficeCollection string xmlString @ Office IsHq 'True' Street 123 Any Street Street Town name.. retval.GetType XmlReader xr new XmlTextReader xmlString retval OfficeCollection xs.Deserialize xr foreach Office thisOffice..
Deserialize XML To Object using Dynamic [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13704752/deserialize-xml-to-object-using-dynamic root _root root public static DynamicXml Parse string xmlString return new DynamicXml XDocument.Parse xmlString .Root public.. string xmlString return new DynamicXml XDocument.Parse xmlString .Root public static DynamicXml Load string filename return..
fast way to deserialize XML with special characters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4899872/fast-way-to-deserialize-xml-with-special-characters memoryStream MemoryStream xmlTextWriter.BaseStream string xmlString ByteArrayToStringUtf8 memoryStream.ToArray xmlTextWriter.Close.. memoryStream.Close memoryStream.Dispose return xmlString public static T DeserializeXmlToObject T string xml using MemoryStream..
How to save/restore serializable object to/from file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6115721/how-to-save-restore-serializable-object-to-from-file new XmlDocument xmlDocument.Load fileName string xmlString xmlDocument.OuterXml using StringReader read new StringReader.. using StringReader read new StringReader xmlString Type outType typeof T XmlSerializer serializer new XmlSerializer..
XML Serialize dynamic object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7501846/xml-serialize-dynamic-object Value 2 and then Xml serialize it string xmlString var serializer new DataContractSerializer root.GetType using.. XmlTextWriter backing serializer.WriteObject writer root xmlString backing.ToString However when I run this I get an SerializationException..
Convert Dataset to XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8384014/convert-dataset-to-xml Encoding.UTF8.GetString memoryStream.ToArray USAGE var xmlString ds.ToXml OR Response.Write ds.ToXml share improve this answer..
How to use HTML Agility pack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/846994/how-to-use-html-agility-pack the html htmlDoc.Load filePath Use htmlDoc.LoadHtml xmlString to load from a string was htmlDoc.LoadXML xmlString ParseErrors.. xmlString to load from a string was htmlDoc.LoadXML xmlString ParseErrors is an ArrayList containing any errors from the Load..
C# Xml Serialization & Deserialization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8722126/c-sharp-xml-serialization-deserialization else return null public static T Deserialize T string xmlString if string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace xmlString return default T using.. T string xmlString if string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace xmlString return default T using MemoryStream memStream new MemoryStream.. memStream new MemoryStream Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes xmlString System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..