c# Programming Glossary: xmldataprovider
Two-way binding of Xml data to the WPF TreeView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/188001/two-way-binding-of-xml-data-to-the-wpf-treeview DataType leaf TextBox Text Binding XPath data DataTemplate XmlDataProvider x Key dataxml XPath forestPad Source D fp.xml XmlDataProvider.. x Key dataxml XPath forestPad Source D fp.xml XmlDataProvider Window.Resources You can instead set the Source of the XmlDataProvider.. Window.Resources You can instead set the Source of the XmlDataProvider programmatically dp this.FindResource dataxml as XmlDataProvider..
WPF, XML databinding into dependent/cascading ComboBoxes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3388759/wpf-xml-databinding-into-dependent-cascading-comboboxes trying to do XML databinding in my XAML Window.Resources XmlDataProvider Source Products.xml XPath Products Product x Key productsXml.. nodes is redundant unnecessary since XAML already has the XmlDataProvider XPath stuff. Is this the case Edit Updated my ComboBox XAML..