c# Programming Glossary: xmlnode
Google Weather API 403 Error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878143/google-weather-api-403-error widge.GetElementsByTagName current_conditions foreach XmlNode node in weathlist City.Text Brisbane CurCond.Text node.SelectSingleNode.. widge.GetElementsByTagName current_conditions foreach XmlNode node in list2 City.Text Brisbane CurCond.Text node.SelectSingleNode..
How do you serialize a string as CDATA using XmlSerializer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1379888/how-do-you-serialize-a-string-as-cdata-using-xmlserializer set XmlIgnore public string Content get set XmlText public XmlNode CDataContent get var dummy new XmlDocument return new XmlNode.. CDataContent get var dummy new XmlDocument return new XmlNode dummy.CreateCDataSection Content set if value null Content..
Two-way binding of Xml data to the WPF TreeView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/188001/two-way-binding-of-xml-data-to-the-wpf-treeview XmlDataProvider is using an XmlDocument with it's tree of XmlNodes . When a string such as stuff is assigned to the InnerXml property.. such as stuff is assigned to the InnerXml property of an XmlNode then those tags are really tags. No escaping is done when getting.. section as the node's child... XmlDocument doc dp.Document XmlNodeList nodes doc.SelectNodes data foreach XmlNode node in nodes..
How to deal with XML in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/220867/how-to-deal-with-xml-in-c-sharp Name 'Nick' Person Name 'Joe' People Select a single node XmlNode node document.SelectSingleNode People Person @Name 'Nick' Select.. People Person @Name 'Nick' Select a list of nodes XmlNodeList nodes document.SelectNodes People Person If you need to..
Sharepoint web services — The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'. The authentication header received from the server was 'NTLM' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2608887/sharepoint-web-services-the-http-request-is-unauthorized-with-client-authenti sites SiteCollection SubSite _vti_bin Lists.asmx XmlNode node listsWebSvc.GetList Issues catch Exception ex Console.WriteLine..
How to change XML Attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/367730/how-to-change-xml-attribute XmlDocument xmlDoc new XmlDocument xmlDoc.Load xmlFile XmlNode node xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode Root Node Element node.Attributes..
Create XML Nodes based on XPath? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/508390/create-xml-nodes-based-on-xpath tack on a .SetAttribute as I've done here static private XmlNode makeXPath XmlDocument doc string xpath return makeXPath doc.. XmlDocument doc string xpath return makeXPath doc doc as XmlNode xpath static private XmlNode makeXPath XmlDocument doc XmlNode.. return makeXPath doc doc as XmlNode xpath static private XmlNode makeXPath XmlDocument doc XmlNode parent string xpath grab the..
Encoding XPath Expressions with both single and double quotes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/642125/encoding-xpath-expressions-with-both-single-and-double-quotes problem doc.DocumentElement.SetAttribute searchName name XmlNode n doc.SelectNodes review @name @searchName share improve this..
How do I read and parse an XML file in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/642293/how-do-i-read-and-parse-an-xml-file-in-c doc.Load c temp.xml then find a node below it ie like this XmlNode node doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode book title XmlNode.. node doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode book title XmlNode nodes doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes book title or foreach.. doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes book title or foreach XmlNode node in doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes string text node.InnerText..
Import XML to SQL using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/772946/import-xml-to-sql-using-c-sharp doc new XmlDocument doc.LoadXml xmlData foreach XmlNode tableNode in doc.SelectNodes transaction table IDbCommand command.. command CreatCommand connection tableNode foreach XmlNode rowNode in tableNode.SelectNodes data row string values GetRowValues.. private IDbCommand CreatCommand IDbConnection connection XmlNode tableNode string tableName tableNode.Attributes name .Value..