c# Programming Glossary: xl
c# and excel automation - ending the running instance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1041266/c-sharp-and-excel-automation-ending-the-running-instance Thanks. This is the barebones of my code Excel.Application xl null Excel._Workbook wBook null Excel._Worksheet wSheet null.. System.Reflection.Missing.Value try open the template xl new Excel.Application wBook Excel._Workbook xl.Workbooks.Open.. template xl new Excel.Application wBook Excel._Workbook xl.Workbooks.Open excelTemplatePath _report.ExcelTemplate false..
Does C# .NET support IDispatch late binding? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/403218/does-c-sharp-net-support-idispatch-late-binding syntax checking and some example code might be Application xl IExcelApplication unk ExcelWorkbook workbook xl.Workbooks.Add.. xl IExcelApplication unk ExcelWorkbook workbook xl.Workbooks.Add template lcid Worksheet worksheet workbook.ActiveSheet.. to specify all parameters e.g. ExcelWorkbook workbook xl.Workbooks.Add template lcid xl.Worksheets.Add before after count..
how to create and download excel document using asp.net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/643643/how-to-create-and-download-excel-document-using-asp-net search for errors. I suggest anyone who begin to rename .xlsx to .zip so you can see the XML files who drive our spreadsheet.. drive our spreadsheet for the example our sheets are in xl worksheets . The code Disclaimer I have stolen all the code.. an MSDN technical article D The following code use an .xlsx template i made manually to be able to modify it. Namespaces..