c# Programming Glossary: xls
How to use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel on a machine without installed MS Office? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11448197/how-to-use-microsoft-office-interop-excel-on-a-machine-without-installed-ms-offi false wbks app.Workbooks _wbk wbks.Add xlsfile shs _wbk.Sheets int nSheets shs.Count for int i 1 i nSheets.. search in google for some libraries which allows to modify xls or xlsx http code.google.com p excellibrary http simpleooxml.codeplex.com.. in google for some libraries which allows to modify xls or xlsx http code.google.com p excellibrary http simpleooxml.codeplex.com..
Reading Excel Files as a Server Process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1273116/reading-excel-files-as-a-server-process Is there another way that I can read an Excel file xls xlsx xlsm on a server no UI in such a way that doesn't suffer.. Is there another way that I can read an Excel file xls xlsx xlsm on a server no UI in such a way that doesn't suffer the.. there another way that I can read an Excel file xls xlsx xlsm on a server no UI in such a way that doesn't suffer the same..
How can I programatically create, read, write an excel without having office installed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1369361/how-can-i-programatically-create-read-write-an-excel-without-having-office-ins bold Cell2 td tr table body html and give your file an xls extension. Excel will convert it automatically share improve..
How do you stream an Excel 2007 or Word 2007 file using asp.net and c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2519026/how-do-you-stream-an-excel-2007-or-word-2007-file-using-asp-net-and-c-sharp application vnd.ms word.document.12 break case xls Response.ContentType application vnd.ms excel break case xlsx.. Response.ContentType application vnd.ms excel break case xlsx Response.ContentType application vnd.ms excel.12 break default.. test it make sure there is an excel 2007 file named Book1.xlsx in the top level folder of the application. DownloadSpreadsheet.ashx..
Does the C# “finally” block ALWAYS execute? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3216046/does-the-c-sharp-finally-block-always-execute block execute public void DoesThisExecute string ext xlsx string message string.Empty try switch ext case xls message.. ext xlsx string message string.Empty try switch ext case xls message Great choice break case csv message Better choice break..
Problem with using OleDbDataAdapter to fetch data from a Excel sheet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3817378/problem-with-using-oledbdataadapter-to-fetch-data-from-a-excel-sheet the cells in this columns are marked as Text. This is an xls file by the way and not xlsx. Do anyone have any clue as why.. are marked as Text. This is an xls file by the way and not xlsx. Do anyone have any clue as why these cells are shown as blank..
Convert CSV into XLS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4781478/convert-csv-into-xls convert the CSV object into XLS programatically. c# csv xls share improve this question It should be easy for you to..
Open an Excel 2003 spreadsheet with C#. Could not find installable ISAM. Exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/644331/open-an-excel-2003-spreadsheet-with-c-could-not-find-installable-isam-excepti installable ISAM. Exception I need to pull data from an xls I also need have the user be able to change the location of.. @ Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source F test.xls Extended Properties Excel 8.0 cmd.CommandText SELECT FROM Sheet.. @ Provider Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Data Source F test.xls Extended Properties Excel 8.0 HDR Yes IMEX 1 But then I get..
XLS to PDF conversion inside .net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/769246/xls-to-pdf-conversion-inside-net to PDF. Any other thoughts tools c# .net .net 3.5 pdf xls share improve this question I looked around and didn't find..
Create excel without interop and template with or without row and columnspan http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7711851/create-excel-without-interop-and-template-with-or-without-row-and-columnspan with it. Any suggestions would be a great helping. c# xls share improve this question There are several options out..
OpenFileDialog default path http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9980262/openfiledialog-default-path c openFileDialog1.Filter Excel files .xls or .xlsx .xls .xlsx openFileDialog1.Filter xls files .xls .xls.. c openFileDialog1.Filter Excel files .xls or .xlsx .xls .xlsx openFileDialog1.Filter xls files .xls .xls xlsx.. c openFileDialog1.Filter Excel files .xls or .xlsx .xls .xlsx openFileDialog1.Filter xls files .xls .xls xlsx files..
C# Processing Fixed Width Files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12543223/c-sharp-processing-fixed-width-files below. I then want to output all the read data into a XLS file or even a DataGrid but my issue is I have no idea how to..
How can we create, write and read an excel file for Windows Phone 8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13702643/how-can-we-create-write-and-read-an-excel-file-for-windows-phone-8 file extension. The excel office app is registered to the XLS and XLSX file extensions. To send Office files you'll first.. The excel office app is registered to the XLS and XLSX file extensions. To send Office files you'll first need write.. myExcelFile.xlsx I'm not sure if the XLS format the article you linked to is actually supported by office..
Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/151005/create-excel-xls-and-xlsx-file-from-c-sharp Excel .XLS and .XLSX file from C# closed How can I create an Excel Spreadsheet.. Excel .XLS and .XLSX file from C# closed How can I create an Excel Spreadsheet.. PHP library Excel Writer that will allow some pretty good XLS data and formatting and it is in the Excel_97 compatible format..
Convert datatable to excel 2007(.xlsx) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3283204/convert-datatable-to-excel-2007-xlsx the ACE provider from Microsoft in order to create XLSX files. You can find it here . I usually use the XLS provider.. XLSX files. You can find it here . I usually use the XLS provider so I haven't worked with the XLSX provider as much... usually use the XLS provider so I haven't worked with the XLSX provider as much. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have..
Opening a “known file type” into running instance of custom app - .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/424368/opening-a-known-file-type-into-running-instance-of-custom-app-net in An example would be I have Excel open and I click on an XLS file.....the file opens up in the current Excel instance. I..
Import and Export Excel - What is the best library? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444522/import-and-export-excel-what-is-the-best-library This is not the case for all scenarios but it is for mine. XLS files support only 64k rows. XLSX supports up to 1M. The free.. but it is for mine. XLS files support only 64k rows. XLSX supports up to 1M. The free libraries that I've tried feature.. for the value they deliver when all you need is a fast XLSX CSV conversion routine. c# asp.net excel export to excel import..
Convert CSV into XLS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4781478/convert-csv-into-xls CSV into XLS I'm working in a web application separated in blocks and I'm.. object from a work mate of mine which I must convert into XLS to be passed into an Excel Processor they built. This CSV object.. I'd like to know is how I can convert the CSV object into XLS programatically. c# csv xls share improve this question ..
XLS to PDF conversion inside .net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/769246/xls-to-pdf-conversion-inside-net to PDF conversion inside .net I've been looking extensively.. been looking extensively for a tool that takes an existing XLS file and converts it to PDF that then gets saved out to disk... far but it is losing some formatting when it converts the XLS files to PDF. Any other thoughts tools c# .net .net 3.5 pdf..