c# Programming Glossary: xn
Read Soap Message using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12201822/read-soap-message-using-c-sharp manager.AddNamespace d http someURL XmlNodeList xnList document.SelectNodes bookHotelResponse manager int nodes.. document.SelectNodes bookHotelResponse manager int nodes xnList.Count foreach XmlNode xn in xnList Status xn d bookingStatus.. manager int nodes xnList.Count foreach XmlNode xn in xnList Status xn d bookingStatus .InnerText The count is..
Loading richtextbox content from xml http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12957631/loading-richtextbox-content-from-xml oDescendant doc.SelectNodes MyData foreach XmlNode xn in oDescendant ID RichTextBox rcTxt new RichTextBox rcTxt.Name.. rcTxt new RichTextBox rcTxt.Name rtd ID rcTxt.Rtf xn RcText .InnerText Sample content as seen after loading the content..
Getting specified Node values from XML document http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6442024/getting-specified-node-values-from-xml-document string myXmlString xmldoc.OuterXml.ToString XmlNodeList xnList xml.SelectNodes Element @ ANode BNode CNode foreach XmlNode.. Element @ ANode BNode CNode foreach XmlNode xn in xnList XmlNode example xn.SelectSingleNode Example if example.. Element @ ANode BNode CNode foreach XmlNode xn in xnList XmlNode example xn.SelectSingleNode Example if example null..