

c# Programming Glossary: xmldoc.load

Timeout error when loading Xml from URL


it into xmlDoc. XmlDataDocument xmlDoc new XmlDataDocument xmlDoc.Load http www.globalgear.com.au productfeed.xml Please suggest any..

How to select nodes with XPath in C#?


xmlText Properties XmlDocument xmlDoc new XmlDocument xmlDoc.Load new System.IO.StringReader xmlText foreach XmlNode node in xmlDoc.SelectNodes.. is in a namespace XmlDocument xmlDoc new XmlDocument xmlDoc.Load new System.IO.StringReader xmlText XmlNamespaceManager manager..

Reading a value from root node XML


the root node with this XmlDocument xmlDoc new XmlDocument xmlDoc.Load nomear XmlNodeList ml xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName XmlNode primer..

How can i remove BOM from XmlTextWriter using C#


'UTF 8' xmlWriter.WriteStartElement items xmlWriter.Close xmlDoc.Load filename XmlNode root xmlDoc.DocumentElement XmlElement item..

Changing App.config at Runtime


key string value XmlDocument xmlDoc new XmlDocument xmlDoc.Load AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile foreach.. key string value using XmlDocument xmlDoc new XmlDocument xmlDoc.Load AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile xmlDoc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode..

Cannot get regular expression work correctly with multiline


but it does not work XmlDocument xmlDoc new XmlDocument xmlDoc.Load @ output.xml Regex regExp new Regex @ sys customtag . Processtart..

Why does C# XmlDocument.LoadXml(string) fail when an XML header is included?


This is a Test event XmlDocument xmlDoc new XmlDocument xmlDoc.LoadXml xml The Problem The problem is that strings are stored internally..

How to change XML Attribute


newValue string.Empty XmlDocument xmlDoc new XmlDocument xmlDoc.Load xmlFile XmlNode node xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode Root Node Element..