

c# Programming Glossary: xmlwritersettings

Using StringWriter for XML Serialization


null XmlSerializer serializer new XmlSerializer typeof T XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.Encoding new UnicodeEncoding.. new XmlSerializer typeof T XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.Encoding new UnicodeEncoding false false no BOM in..

What is the simplest way to get indented XML with line breaks from XmlDocument?


XmlDocument doc StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.Indent true settings.IndentChars.. sb new StringBuilder XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.Indent true settings.IndentChars settings.NewLineChars..

XmlSerializer List Item Element Name


XmlSerializer serializer new XmlSerializer typeof Persons XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.OmitXmlDeclaration.. typeof Persons XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.OmitXmlDeclaration true XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces..

How to keep XmlSerializer from killing NewLines in Strings?


have the writer convert CR to its character entity #13 . XmlWriterSettings ws new XmlWriterSettings ws.NewLineHandling NewLineHandling.Entitize.. CR to its character entity #13 . XmlWriterSettings ws new XmlWriterSettings ws.NewLineHandling NewLineHandling.Entitize XmlSerializer ser..

c# XmlSerializer serialize generic List of interface


var b new StringBuilder var w XmlTextWriter.Create b new XmlWriterSettings NewLineChars r n Indent true FAIL cannot serialize interface...

c# (WinForms-App) export DataSet to Excel


public ExcelWriter string outputFileName XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.Indent true _writer.. string outputFileName XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.Indent true _writer XmlWriter.Create outputFileName..

Setting a WebRequest's body data


using var xmlWriter XmlWriter.Create requestStream new XmlWriterSettings Indent true NewLineHandling NewLineHandling.Entitize cmisAtomEntry.WriteXml..

How to put an encoding attribute to xml other that utf-16 with XmlWriter?


string CreateOutputXmlString ICollection Field fields XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.Indent true settings.Encoding.. ICollection Field fields XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.Indent true settings.Encoding Encoding.GetEncoding..

Omitting all xsi and xsd namespaces when serializing an object in .NET?


looks like this StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.OmitXmlDeclaration true.. builder new StringBuilder XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.OmitXmlDeclaration true using XmlWriter xmlWriter XmlWriter.Create..

Convert XDocument to Stream


method e.g. MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream XmlWriterSettings xws new XmlWriterSettings xws.OmitXmlDeclaration true xws.Indent.. MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream XmlWriterSettings xws new XmlWriterSettings xws.OmitXmlDeclaration true xws.Indent true using XmlWriter..

XDocument.Save() without header


sql share improve this question You can do this with XmlWriterSettings and saving the document to an XmlWriter XDocument doc new XDocument.. new XDocument new XElement foo new XAttribute hello world XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.OmitXmlDeclaration true.. new XAttribute hello world XmlWriterSettings settings new XmlWriterSettings settings.OmitXmlDeclaration true StringWriter sw new StringWriter..