c# Programming Glossary: xr
How do you find out when you've been loaded via XML Serialization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1266547/how-do-you-find-out-when-youve-been-loaded-via-xml-serialization xs new XmlSerializer retval.GetType XmlReader xr new XmlTextReader xmlString retval OfficeCollection xs.Deserialize.. xmlString retval OfficeCollection xs.Deserialize xr foreach Office thisOffice in retval thisOffice.OnLoaded return..
Using CDATA with WCF REST starter kits http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1374062/using-cdata-with-wcf-rest-starter-kits StringReader reader new StringReader xml using XmlReader xr XmlReader.Create reader MyType bar MyType dcs.ReadObject xr.. XmlReader.Create reader MyType bar MyType dcs.ReadObject xr ShowObject Recreated bar static void ShowObject string caption..
Deciding on when to use XmlDocument vs XmlReader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1505075/deciding-on-when-to-use-xmldocument-vs-xmlreader IEnumerable IXmlSourceProvider GetChildren XmlReader xr myXmlSource.ReadSubtree skip past the current element xr.Read.. xr myXmlSource.ReadSubtree skip past the current element xr.Read while xr.Read if xr.NodeType XmlNodeType.Element continue.. skip past the current element xr.Read while xr.Read if xr.NodeType XmlNodeType.Element continue yield return..
The deserializer has no knowlege of any type that maps to this contract http://stackoverflow.com/questions/736900/the-deserializer-has-no-knowlege-of-any-type-that-maps-to-this-contract StringReader sr new StringReader xml using XmlReader xr XmlReader.Create sr DataContractSerializer dcs new DataContractSerializer.. Guid Node clone Dictionary Guid Node dcs.ReadObject xr foreach KeyValuePair Guid Node pair in clone Console.WriteLine..