c# Programming Glossary: xmlnodereader
Converting XDocument to XmlDocument and vice versa http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1508572/converting-xdocument-to-xmldocument-and-vice-versa You can use the built in xDocument.CreateReader and an XmlNodeReader to convert back and forth. Putting that into an Extension method.. this XmlDocument xmlDocument using var nodeReader new XmlNodeReader xmlDocument nodeReader.MoveToContent return XDocument.Load..
C# Deserialize XML to object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4085529/c-sharp-deserialize-xml-to-object
Xml validation using XSD schema http://stackoverflow.com/questions/572853/xml-validation-using-xsd-schema . Instead you can use a validating XmlReader and an XmlNodeReader to validate an existing XmlDocument using a XmlNodeReader with.. XmlNodeReader to validate an existing XmlDocument using a XmlNodeReader with StringReader rather than an XmlDocument XmlDocument x new..
C# parse XML File http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8194155/c-sharp-parse-xml-file TrafficInformation myCollection trafInfo XmlNodeReader reader new XmlNodeReader xmlFile StringBuilder output new StringBuilder.. myCollection trafInfo XmlNodeReader reader new XmlNodeReader xmlFile StringBuilder output new StringBuilder while reader.Read..