c# Programming Glossary: xnlist
Read Soap Message using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12201822/read-soap-message-using-c-sharp manager.AddNamespace d http someURL XmlNodeList xnList document.SelectNodes bookHotelResponse manager int nodes xnList.Count.. document.SelectNodes bookHotelResponse manager int nodes xnList.Count foreach XmlNode xn in xnList Status xn d bookingStatus.. manager int nodes xnList.Count foreach XmlNode xn in xnList Status xn d bookingStatus .InnerText The count is always zero..
Getting specified Node values from XML document http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6442024/getting-specified-node-values-from-xml-document string myXmlString xmldoc.OuterXml.ToString XmlNodeList xnList xml.SelectNodes Element @ ANode BNode CNode foreach XmlNode.. Element @ ANode BNode CNode foreach XmlNode xn in xnList XmlNode example xn.SelectSingleNode Example if example null.. the CNode you also need to do for the ANode XmlNodeList xnList xml.SelectNodes Element @ foreach XmlNode xn in xnList XmlNode..