c# Programming Glossary: xdocument.load
Deserialize XML To Object using Dynamic [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13704752/deserialize-xml-to-object-using-dynamic DynamicXml Load string filename return new DynamicXml XDocument.Load filename .Root public override bool TryGetMember GetMemberBinder..
Converting XDocument to XmlDocument and vice versa http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1508572/converting-xdocument-to-xmldocument-and-vice-versa xmlDocument nodeReader.MoveToContent return XDocument.Load nodeReader Sources http msdn.microsoft.com en us library bb356384.aspx..
How to deal with XML in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/220867/how-to-deal-with-xml-in-c-sharp own definition right in the query itself. XDocument doc XDocument.Load pathToXml List Person people from xnode in xdoc.Element People..
Search XDocument using LINQ without knowing the namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2610947/search-xdocument-using-linq-without-knowing-the-namespace the namespace for these other process. XDocument xDocument XDocument.Load @ C temp Packet.xml XNamespace xNamespace http CompanyName.AppName.Service.Contracts.. about namespaces something like this XDocument xDocument XDocument.Load @ C temp Packet.xml var elements xDocument.Root .DescendantsAndSelf..
Linq to XML - update/alter the nodes of an XML Document http://stackoverflow.com/questions/331502/linq-to-xml-update-alter-the-nodes-of-an-xml-document via Linq. I mean is there someting like XDocument xmlDoc XDocument.Load sample.xml update item in xmlDoc.Descendants item where int.. data StringReader sr new StringReader xml XDocument d XDocument.Load sr d.Descendants record .Where x x.Attribute id .Value 2 .Single..
Retrieve XML from https using WebClient/HttpWebRequest - WP7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3457894/retrieve-xml-from-https-using-webclient-httpwebrequest-wp7 to I just did string xmlFilePath https myip XDocument xDoc XDocument.Load xmlFilePath However on WP7 this returns Cannot open 'serveraddress'...
Get the XPath to an XElement? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/451950/get-the-xpath-to-an-xelement Program static void Main string args Program.Process XDocument.Load @ C test.xml .Root Console.Read static void Process XElement..
how to read all files inside particular folder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5840443/how-to-read-all-files-inside-particular-folder files inside a particular folder in c# .net XDocument doc2 XDocument.Load PG.SMNR.XMLDataSourceUtil.GetXMLFilePath Locale Products category.. and should get all product xml file names. XDocument doc2 XDocument.Load PG.SMNR.XMLDataSourceUtil.GetXMLFilePath Locale Products category..
how to use XPath with XDocument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6209841/how-to-use-xpath-with-xdocument it should be working but it didnt... XDocument xdoc XDocument.Load @ C SampleXML.xml XmlNamespaceManager xnm new XmlNamespaceManager.. XDocument it is easier to use LINQ to XML var document XDocument.Load fileName var name document.Descendants XName.Get Name @ http.. only solution you need using System.Xml.XPath var document XDocument.Load fileName var namespaceManager new XmlNamespaceManager new NameTable..
LINQ to read XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/670563/linq-to-read-xml A A1 A2 B B1 B2 C Currently I got this code XDocument xdoc XDocument.Load data.xml var lv1s from lv1 in xdoc.Descendants level1 select.. improve this question Try this. Load xml XDocument xdoc XDocument.Load data.xml Run query var lv1s from lv1 in xdoc.Descendants level1..
Compression/Decompression string with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7343465/compression-decompression-string-with-c-sharp sB.ToString static void Main string args XDocument doc XDocument.Load @ D RSP.xml string val doc.ToString SaveOptions.DisableFormatting..
How to Get XML Node from XDocument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/752271/how-to-get-xml-node-from-xdocument Name Node Contacts Select a single node XDocument XMLDoc XDocument.Load test.xml string id 123 id to be selected XElement Contact from.. Contact.ToString Delete a single node XDocument XMLDoc XDocument.Load test.xml string id 123 var Contact from xml2 in XMLDoc.Descendants.. XMLDoc.Save test.xml Add new node XDocument XMLDoc XDocument.Load test.xml XElement newNode new XElement Node new XElement ID..