c# Programming Glossary: xamarin
What is the best way to pass objects to “navigated to” viewmodel in MVVMCross? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10658913/what-is-the-best-way-to-pass-objects-to-navigated-to-viewmodel-in-mvvmcross very small pictures explaining this... For more detail see Xamarin and MSDN For your Team Player case you might be able to cope..
How to prevent iOS crash reporters from crashing MonoTouch apps? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14499334/how-to-prevent-ios-crash-reporters-from-crashing-monotouch-apps Turns out this is a known issue reported several times but Xamarin doesn't warn about it it is relatively obscure and we found.. the app will crash. Why does this happen Quoting Rolf a Xamarin developer A null reference exception is actually a SIGSEGV signal..
Does anyone have benchmarks (code & results) comparing performance of Android apps written in Xamarin C# and Java? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17134522/does-anyone-have-benchmarks-code-results-comparing-performance-of-android-ap results comparing performance of Android apps written in Xamarin C# and Java I came across Xamarin claims that their Mono implementation.. Android apps written in Xamarin C# and Java I came across Xamarin claims that their Mono implementation on Android and their C#.. Please vote to re open this question. For C# I used Xamarin.Android ver. 4.7.09001 beta . The source code all the data I..