

c# Programming Glossary: x.count

Parse string to enum type


value1 x StringComparison. OrdinalIgnoreCase select x if x.Count 1 eVal Enum.Parse typeof T x.Item 0 as T bRet true return bRet..

How to Count Duplicates in List with LINQ


foreach var x in q Console.WriteLine Value x.Value Count x.Count In response to this post now deleted If you have a list of some.. methods var q list.GroupBy x x.Name .Select x new Count x.Count Name x.Key ID x.First .ID .OrderByDescending x x.Count Using.. x.Count Name x.Key ID x.First .ID .OrderByDescending x x.Count Using LINQ var q from x in list group x by x.Name into g let..

Find the most occurrence of a character in string C#?


this question input.GroupBy x x .OrderByDescending x x.Count .First .Key Note for the case of aaaabbbb only one of those..

Array of array combinations


int a List Array x List string retval new List string if a x.Count retval.Add return retval foreach Object y in x a foreach string..

Does reactive extensions support rolling buffers?


100 .ObserveOn this.dispatcherService .Where x x.Count 0 .Subscribe this.OnBufferReceived This works fine. However..