c# Programming Glossary: x2
confused with the scope in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1196941/confused-with-the-scope-in-c-sharp 1 int i 10 i1 2 invisible brace for int x 10 x 10 x x2 3 int i 10 i3 var objX new MyOtherClass objX3 3 2 var objX new.. x and objX. You have five variables which I've labeled i1 x2 i3 objX3 and objX1. The outermost block that contains usages.. it refers to i3. Same with objX. x however only ever means x2 in every block. Also both i variables are in the same local..
Get BSSID (MAC address) of wireless access point from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187777/get-bssid-mac-address-of-wireless-access-point-from-c-sharp for int i 0 i macAddrLen i str i macAddr i .ToString x2 string mac string.Join str Console.WriteLine mac share improve..
How do I create an MD5 hash digest from a text file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2150455/how-do-i-create-an-md5-hash-digest-from-a-text-file stream foreach byte b in hash sb.Append b.ToString x2 stream.Seek 0 SeekOrigin.Begin return sb.ToString share..
Force PHP integer overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/300840/force-php-integer-overflow Basically we are using following formula function f x1 x2 x3 x4 return x1 x2 ^ x3 x4 However even with conversions function.. using following formula function f x1 x2 x3 x4 return x1 x2 ^ x3 x4 However even with conversions function f x1 x2 x3 x4.. x1 x2 ^ x3 x4 However even with conversions function f x1 x2 x3 x4 return intval intval intval x1 x2 ^ x3 x4 I am still ending..
How do you convert Byte Array to Hexadecimal String, and vice versa? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/311165/how-do-you-convert-byte-array-to-hexadecimal-string-and-vice-versa ba.Length 2 foreach byte b in ba hex.AppendFormat 0 x2 b return hex.ToString or public static string ByteArrayToString..
Why can't an anonymous method be assigned to var? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4965576/why-cant-an-anonymous-method-be-assigned-to-var 123 There is no Func T type that takes a ref anything. var x2 y 123 We don't know the type of the formal parameter though..
Comparing Arrays in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/713341/comparing-arrays-in-c-sharp apply indexing with to an expression of type 'IList' x2 return false return true Why do i get that error i went for..
How can I tell if a point belongs to a certain line? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/907390/how-can-i-tell-if-a-point-belongs-to-a-certain-line Y2 form then you can calculate slope with Slope y1 y2 x1 x2 And then get the Y Intersect with this Y Intersect Slope X1.. this Y Intersect Slope X1 Y1 You'll have to check that x1 x2 is not 0 . If it is then checking if the point is on the line.. if the Y value in your point is equal to either x1 or x2 . Also check that the X of the point is not 'x1' or 'x2'. share..
How do I access ARP-protocol information through .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1148778/how-do-i-access-arp-protocol-information-through-net IP ip.ToString t tMAC Console.Write row.mac0.ToString X2 ' ' Console.Write row.mac1.ToString X2 ' ' Console.Write row.mac2.ToString.. row.mac0.ToString X2 ' ' Console.Write row.mac1.ToString X2 ' ' Console.Write row.mac2.ToString X2 ' ' Console.Write row.mac3.ToString.. row.mac1.ToString X2 ' ' Console.Write row.mac2.ToString X2 ' ' Console.Write row.mac3.ToString X2 ' ' Console.Write row.mac4.ToString..
How to Draw line/s between Two DataGridView Controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16061001/how-to-draw-line-s-between-two-datagridview-controls Line X1 Binding StartPoint.X Y1 Binding StartPoint.Y X2 Binding EndPoint.X Y2 Binding EndPoint.Y Stroke Black StrokeThickness..
How do I do a SHA1 File Checksum in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1993903/how-do-i-do-a-sha1-file-checksum-in-c foreach byte b in hash formatted.AppendFormat 0 X2 b formatted contains the string representation of the SHA 1..
How to get the file size of a “System.Drawing.Image” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/221345/how-to-get-the-file-size-of-a-system-drawing-image i 0 i hash.Length i hashBuilder.Append hash i .ToString X2 string md5 hashBuilder.ToString image.Dispose c# image image..
How to know if a line intersects a plane in C#? - Basic 2D geometry http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30080/how-to-know-if-a-line-intersects-a-plane-in-c-basic-2d-geometry float X1 get return p1.X set p1.X value public float X2 get return p2.X set p2.X value public float Y1 get return.. Vertical line slope is divideByZero error if line.X1 line.X2 if point.X line.X1 heightIsRight return Intersection.Tangent.. else return Intersection.None float slope line.X2 line.X1 line.Y2 line.Y1 bool onLine line.Y1 point.Y slope line.X1..
x86/x64 CPUID in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3216535/x86-x64-cpuid-in-c-sharp CPUID0 0 string.Join CPUID0 .Select x x.ToString X2 CultureInfo.InvariantCulture Console.WriteLine CPUID0 0 new.. CPUID1 0 string.Join CPUID1 .Select x x.ToString X2 CultureInfo.InvariantCulture Console.ReadLine private static..
Prime Number Formula http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3285562/prime-number-formula to your function that is a product of the prime numbers X1 X2 ... Xn where n 2 with all of them being greater or equal to..
How to Get MAC address programatically in c# for a windows mobile 6.0 device http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4143323/how-to-get-mac-address-programatically-in-c-sharp-for-a-windows-mobile-6-0-devic address in hexadecimal. Console.Write 0 bytes i .ToString X2 Insert a hyphen after each byte unless we are at the end of..
Putting a .txt file into a DataGridView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7095359/putting-a-txt-file-into-a-datagridview 173.744 90 0603_3 X1 XTL 00013G 49.211 204.819 0 Crystal X2 XTL 00012G 53.061 183.469 0 Crystal D1 LED 00011G 58.611 181.394..
WCF: Adding Nonce to UsernameToken http://stackoverflow.com/questions/896901/wcf-adding-nonce-to-usernametoken i inputArray.Length i output.Append inputArray i .ToString X2 return output.ToString protected String SHA1Encrypt String..
How can I tell if a point belongs to a certain line? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/907390/how-can-i-tell-if-a-point-belongs-to-a-certain-line is on the line. If your lines are represented in X1 Y1 X2 Y2 form then you can calculate slope with Slope y1 y2 x1 x2..
Invalid signature for signing requests to the Flickr API (simulation in console) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9330004/invalid-signature-for-signing-requests-to-the-flickr-api-simulation-in-console for int i 0 i buff.Length i sbinary buff i .ToString X2 hex format return sbinary When i browse to the url this applications.. Match match return match.Value String.Format 0 X2 Convert.ToInt32 match.Value 0 public static string DecodeEvaluator..