c# Programming Glossary: x509store
Get list of certificates from the certificate store in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1205295/get-list-of-certificates-from-the-certificate-store-in-c-sharp certificatestore share improve this question X509Store store new X509Store My store.Open OpenFlags.ReadOnly foreach.. share improve this question X509Store store new X509Store My store.Open OpenFlags.ReadOnly foreach X509Certificate2 mCert..
Install certificates in to the Windows Local user certificate store in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/308554/install-certificates-in-to-the-windows-local-user-certificate-store-in-c-sharp the following using new Impersonator username password try X509Store serviceRuntimeUserCertificateStore new X509Store StoreName.My.. try X509Store serviceRuntimeUserCertificateStore new X509Store StoreName.My string baseDir AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.. try var serviceRuntimeUserCertificateStore new X509Store StoreName.My serviceRuntimeUserCertificateStore.Open OpenFlags.ReadWrite..
How to set read permission on the private key file of X.509 certificate from .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/425688/how-to-set-read-permission-on-the-private-key-file-of-x-509-certificate-from-ne .NET Here is the code to add a pfx to the Cert store. X509Store store new X509Store StoreName.My StoreLocation.LocalMachine.. code to add a pfx to the Cert store. X509Store store new X509Store StoreName.My StoreLocation.LocalMachine store.Open OpenFlags.ReadWrite..
Signing SOAP messages using X.509 certificate from WCF service to Java webservice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4666970/signing-soap-messages-using-x-509-certificate-from-wcf-service-to-java-webservic from the certificate store. X509Certificate2 cert null X509Store store new X509Store StoreName.My StoreLocation.CurrentUser try.. store. X509Certificate2 cert null X509Store store new X509Store StoreName.My StoreLocation.CurrentUser try Open the store...
How to retrieve certificates from a pfx file with c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5036590/how-to-retrieve-certificates-from-a-pfx-file-with-c Issuer is ' 0 ' cert.Issuer Import the certificates into X509Store objects Depending on the type of certificate client cert intermediate.. root CA you'll need to open the proper cert store as an X509Store object to import it. Check out the X509Store docs http msdn.microsoft.com.. store as an X509Store object to import it. Check out the X509Store docs http msdn.microsoft.com en us library system.security.cryptography.x509certificates.x509store.aspx..
How can I install a certificate into the local machine store programmatically using c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/566570/how-can-i-install-a-certificate-into-the-local-machine-store-programmatically-us improve this question I believe that this is correct X509Store store new X509Store StoreName.TrustedPeople StoreLocation.LocalMachine.. I believe that this is correct X509Store store new X509Store StoreName.TrustedPeople StoreLocation.LocalMachine store.Open..
Has anyone got any code to call SignerSignEx from C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6357759/has-anyone-got-any-code-to-call-signersignex-from-c FindCertByThumbnail string thumbnail try var store new X509Store StoreName.TrustedPublisher StoreLocation.LocalMachine store.Open..
How can I sign a file using RSA and SHA256 with .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7444586/how-can-i-sign-a-file-using-rsa-and-sha256-with-net the local machine store X509Certificate2 privateCert null X509Store store new X509Store StoreLocation.LocalMachine store.Open OpenFlags.ReadOnly.. X509Certificate2 privateCert null X509Store store new X509Store StoreLocation.LocalMachine store.Open OpenFlags.ReadOnly foreach..