c# Programming Glossary: xdoc
WPF Listview Access to SelectedItem and subitems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1402878/wpf-listview-access-to-selecteditem-and-subitems I am filling the listView with the following XDocument xdoc XDocument.Load GlobalVars.docPath tempSearchResults.xml var.. tempSearchResults.xml var items from item in xdoc.Descendants Book select new ISBN item.Element ISBN .Value.. of instances of an anonymous type var items from item in xdoc.Descendants Book select new Book ISBN string item.Element..
C# loading a XML file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14141268/c-sharp-loading-a-xml-file static void ApplySettings this Button button XDocument xdoc var settings xdoc .Descendatns Button .SingleOrDefault b string.. this Button button XDocument xdoc var settings xdoc .Descendatns Button .SingleOrDefault b string b.Element Name.. Y etc And call those method for each control var xdoc XDocument.Load settings_file button1.ApplySettings xdoc etc..
Retrieve XML from https using WebClient/HttpWebRequest - WP7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3457894/retrieve-xml-from-https-using-webclient-httpwebrequest-wp7 e if e.Error null XDocument xdoc XDocument.Parse e.Result LoadOptions.None this.textBox1.Text..
How to use XPath function in a XPathExpression instance programatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/402211/how-to-use-xpath-function-in-a-xpathexpression-instance-programatically XPathExpression expr The code is like this XmlDocument xdoc new XmlDocument xdoc.LoadXml @ xml version 1.0 encoding utf.. The code is like this XmlDocument xdoc new XmlDocument xdoc.LoadXml @ xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 myXml xmlns http MyNamespace.. data Hello World data myXml XPathNavigator navigator xdoc.CreateNavigator XPathExpression xpr xpr XPathExpression.Compile..
ASP.net load XML file from URL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5102865/asp-net-load-xml-file-from-url void Page_Load object sender EventArgs e XmlDocument xdoc new XmlDocument xml doc used for xml parsing xdoc.LoadXml http.. xdoc new XmlDocument xml doc used for xml parsing xdoc.LoadXml http latestpackagingnews.blogspot.com feeds posts default.. posts default loading XML in xml doc XmlNodeList xNodelst xdoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes entry reading node so that we can..
how to use XPath with XDocument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6209841/how-to-use-xpath-with-xdocument i thought it should be working but it didnt... XDocument xdoc XDocument.Load @ C SampleXML.xml XmlNamespaceManager xnm new.. http demo.com 2011 demo schema Console.WriteLine xdoc.XPathSelectElement Report ReportInfo Name xnm null Anyone has.. xnm null Anyone has any idea Thanks. c# .net xml xpath xdocument share improve this question If you have XDocument it..
LINQ to read XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/670563/linq-to-read-xml node A A1 A2 B B1 B2 C Currently I got this code XDocument xdoc XDocument.Load data.xml var lv1s from lv1 in xdoc.Descendants.. xdoc XDocument.Load data.xml var lv1s from lv1 in xdoc.Descendants level1 select lv1.Attribute name .Value foreach.. var lv1 in lv1s result.AppendLine lv1 var lv2s from lv2 in xdoc... c# xml linq linq to xml share improve this question ..
Loading richtextbox content from xml http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12957631/loading-richtextbox-content-from-xml used for reloading the RichTextBox from XML XmlDocument xDoc new XmlDocument xDoc.Load selPath XmlNodeList oDescendant doc.SelectNodes.. the RichTextBox from XML XmlDocument xDoc new XmlDocument xDoc.Load selPath XmlNodeList oDescendant doc.SelectNodes MyData..
How can I get single node data using linq http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16398193/how-can-i-get-single-node-data-using-linq this question You can use LINQ to XML like XDocument xDoc XDocument.Load test.XML var item xDoc.Descendants category .. XML like XDocument xDoc XDocument.Load test.XML var item xDoc.Descendants category .FirstOrDefault r r.Element id .Value..
XDocument containing namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2998710/xdocument-containing-namespaces except when I manually remove the namespaces XDocument xDoc XDocument.Parse CurrentString XElement xEl1 xDoc.Element E2ETraceEvent.. XDocument xDoc XDocument.Parse CurrentString XElement xEl1 xDoc.Element E2ETraceEvent XElement xEl2 xEl1.Element System XElement.. 2004 06 windows eventlog system XElement xEl2 xDoc.Element nsSys System XElement xEl3 xEl2.Element nsSys Correlation..
How to serialize/deserialize simple classes to XML and back http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3356976/how-to-serialize-deserialize-simple-classes-to-xml-and-back object from an XML document like new ShoppingCart xDoc c# .net xml data poco share improve this question XmlSerializer..
Retrieve XML from https using WebClient/HttpWebRequest - WP7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3457894/retrieve-xml-from-https-using-webclient-httpwebrequest-wp7 need to I just did string xmlFilePath https myip XDocument xDoc XDocument.Load xmlFilePath However on WP7 this returns Cannot..
Capture Schema Information when validating XDocument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7858926/capture-schema-information-when-validating-xdocument List String this.validationWarnings private XDocument xDoc private XmlSchemaSet schemas new XmlSchemaSet public List String.. schema is read elsewhere and added to the schema set this.xDoc.Validate this.schemas new ValidationEventHandler ValidationCallBack..
LINQ to XML Newbie: Moving Nodes From One Node To Another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/927350/linq-to-xml-newbie-moving-nodes-from-one-node-to-another tree. Here's a complete solution var foos from xElem in xDoc.Root.Descendants Foo where xElem.Attribute id .Value 2 xElem.Attribute.. 3 select xElem .ToList var newParentElem from xElem in xDoc.Root.Descendants SubSection where xElem.Attribute id .Value..
how to read from Xml File and put the list of element in listView on the form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9939567/how-to-read-from-xml-file-and-put-the-list-of-element-in-listview-on-the-form share improve this question using Linq2Xml XDocument xDoc XDocument.Load new StringReader xmlstr List string modules xDoc.. XDocument.Load new StringReader xmlstr List string modules xDoc .Descendants Module .Select n n.Element Name .Value .ToList..