c# Programming Glossary: x.id
NHibernate.Spatial and Sql 2008 Geography type - How to configure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1495169/nhibernate-spatial-and-sql-2008-geography-type-how-to-configure GisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point Id x x.Id Map x x.TimeStamp .Generated.Insert Map x x.Location In order..
ServiceStack Request DTO design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15927475/servicestack-request-dto-design var product request.Id.HasValue products.FirstOrDefault x x.Id request.Id.Value products.FirstOrDefault x x.Name request.Name..
Remove duplicates in the list using linq http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1606679/remove-duplicates-in-the-list-using-linq Item public bool Equals Item x Item y return x.Id y.Id x.Name y.Name x.Code y.Code x.Price y.Price public int..
Remove Item in Dictionary based on Value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1636885/remove-item-in-dictionary-based-on-value KeyValuePair string string kvp in myDic if myList.Any x x.Id kvp.Value myDic.Remove kvp.Key c# linq .net 3.5 c# 3.0 dictionary..
Linq query list contains a list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2364090/linq-query-list-contains-a-list p p.ListOfObjectA.Any x ListOfIdsA.Contains x.Id or ListObjectB.Where p p.ListOfObjectA.All x ListOfIdsA.Contains.. p p.ListOfObjectA.All x ListOfIdsA.Contains x.Id You may well want to make ListOfIdsA a HashSet string if it's..
How can I build Entity Framework queries dynamically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5881107/how-can-i-build-entity-framework-queries-dynamically dateFrom x.DateStamp dateTo .OrderByDescending x x.Id .Skip nSkip .Take nTake .ToList 2. context.LogSet .OfType DiskLog.. .Where x x.Computer.Id computerId .OrderByDescending x x.Id .Skip nSkip .Take nTake .ToList 3. context.LogSet .Where x x.Computer.User.UserKey.. dateFrom x.DateStamp dateTo .OrderByDescending x x.Id .Skip nSkip .Take nTake .ToList simplest one 4. context.LogSet..
what is the most reasonable way to find out if entity is attached to dbContext or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6033390/what-is-the-most-reasonable-way-to-find-out-if-entity-is-attached-to-dbcontext-o
Simulating CTE recursion in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6225123/simulating-cte-recursion-in-c-sharp parentId .SelectMany x new new KeyValuePair int int x.Id lvl .Concat Level list x.Id lvl 1 share improve this answer..
Fluent NHibernate, working with interfaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/672032/fluent-nhibernate-working-with-interfaces Address public AddressMap WithTable Addresses Id x x.Id Id .Access.AsCamelCaseField Prefix.Underscore .GeneratedBy.Guid.. ClassMap Field public FieldMap WithTable Fields Id x x.Id Id .Access.AsCamelCaseField Prefix.Underscore .GeneratedBy.Guid..
How to tell Fluent NHibernate not to map a class property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/907576/how-to-tell-fluent-nhibernate-not-to-map-a-class-property CalendarMap ClassMap Calendar public CalendarMap Id x x.Id Map x x.Name Map x x.SiteId HasMany x x.Events .Inverse what..
Multi threading C# application with SQL Server database calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9952137/multi-threading-c-sharp-application-with-sql-server-database-calls topRecords rrdc.Records .Where x thisBatch.Contains x.Id .OrderBy x x.OrderByMe .ToList return topRecords CalculateDetails..
A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type 'SubSonic.Schema .DatabaseColumn'. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1153385/a-circular-reference-was-detected-while-serializing-an-object-of-type-subsonic public JsonResult GetEventData var data Event.Find x x.ID 0 return Json data I get a HTTP 500 with the exception as shown..
Mocking an NHibernate ISession with Moq http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1828878/mocking-an-nhibernate-isession-with-moq new Mock ISession var loc new Mock User loc.SetupGet x x.ID .Returns 2 loc.SetupGet x x.FirstName .Returns John loc.SetupGet..
C# Joins/Where with Linq and Lambda http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2767709/c-sharp-joins-where-with-linq-and-lambda database.Post_Metas post database.Posts.Where x x.ID id meta database.Post_Metas.Where x x.Post_ID id post meta..
Sort one C# list by another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3945935/sort-one-c-sharp-list-by-another i in IDList SearchData.ReturnedSearchedMembers.OrderBy x x.ID i else before any sorts randomize the results this mixes it.. x SearchResultsOrder.Add x.ID Session SearchResultsOrder SearchResultsOrder The whole point..
How to Count Duplicates in List with LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/454601/how-to-count-duplicates-in-list-with-linq
Implementing Audit Log / Change History with MVC & Entity Framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6867459/implementing-audit-log-change-history-with-mvc-entity-framework the copy here var object EntityFramework.Object.Single x x.ID vm.ID if ModelState.IsValid Form the un edited view model var..