

c# Programming Glossary: this.hide

How do I prevent the app from terminating when I close the startup form?


also got closed. Next I tried Form2 frm new Form2 frm.Show this.Hide but there is a disadvantage that the application does not exit..

How to properly exit a C# application?


or form closing event I close the application with a this.Hide function. Does that affect how my application is behaving now..

Form TextBox values to Form2 TextBox values


e Player1 txtPlayer1.Text Form1 op new Form1 op.Show this.Hide Then on Form1 to call this I put... Form2 f new Form2 txtTest.Text.. secondForm new Form2 GetSomeProperty return SomeProperty this.Hide The best way to hide secondForm.Show private void Form1_Load..

How to start WinForm app minimized to tray?


Like I said I've tried lots of minor variations on this this.Hide etc. . Is there a way to have the NotifyIcon be the primary.. void OnFormClosing FormClosingEventArgs e if mAllowClose this.Hide e.Cancel true base.OnFormClosing e private void showToolStripMenuItem_Click..

Closing a form and then call another one


share improve this question Change this.Close To this.Hide Because you can't Close Main Application window and want to.. object sender EventArgs e hide main form this.Hide show other form Form2 form2 new Form2 form2.ShowDialog close..

Splash Screen waiting until thread finishes


i _allServerNarrators i null GetFromServer this.Hide _serverData new ArrayList _thisData.Add _allServerNarrators..

Restoring window from the system tray when allowing only one instance of that program


EventArgs e if WindowState FormWindowState.Minimized this.Hide this.ShowInTaskbar false When the program is already opened..

C# winforms startup (Splash) form not hiding


am currently using the following private void showMainForm this.Hide this.SendToBack Show the GUI mainForm.Show mainForm.BringToFront..

Configuration System Failed to Initialize


username_login.Text username password_login.Text password this.Hide MessageBox.Show Invalid User Login Error MessageBoxButtons.OK..

minimize app to system tray


mynotifyicon.Visible true mynotifyicon.ShowBalloonTip 500 this.Hide else if FormWindowState.Normal this.WindowState mynotifyicon.Visible..