c# Programming Glossary: this.cursor
Graphic - DrawLine - draw line and move it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10768570/graphic-drawline-draw-line-and-move-it this.Invalidate if Moving null this.Invalidate this.Cursor Moving null Cursors.Hand SelectedLine null Cursors.SizeAll Cursors.Default..
Are Timers and Loops in .Net accurate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11531128/are-timers-and-loops-in-net-accurate sw new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw.Start this.Cursor Cursors.WaitCursor while true if sw.ElapsedMilliseconds 1000.. if sw.ElapsedMilliseconds 1000 i else break sw.Stop this.Cursor Cursors.Default MessageBox.Show i.ToString Loop Output OUTPUT..
Cursor.Current vs. this.Cursor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/302663/cursor-current-vs-this-cursor vs. this.Cursor Is there a difference between Cursor.Current and this.Cursor.. Is there a difference between Cursor.Current and this.Cursor where this is a WinForm in .Net I've always used this.Cursor.. where this is a WinForm in .Net I've always used this.Cursor and have had very good luck with it but I've recently started..
Changing the cursor in WPF sometimes works, sometimes doesn't http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307004/changing-the-cursor-in-wpf-sometimes-works-sometimes-doesnt On several of my usercontrols I change the cursor by using this.Cursor Cursors.Wait when I click on something. Now I want to do the..
Display “Wait” screen in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/616629/display-wait-screen-in-wpf included the Cursor call as an example. Right after I call this.Cursor the cursor is updated immediately. This is exactly the behavior.. private void Button_Click object sender RoutedEventArgs e this.Cursor System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Pen WaitScreen.Visibility Visibility.Visible.. s i.ToString WaitScreen.Visibility Visibility.Collapsed this.Cursor System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Arrow WaitScreen is just a Grid..
Displaying tooltip on mouse hover of a text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/873175/displaying-tooltip-on-mouse-hover-of-a-text mind but they are not working 1 Trapping OnMouseHover if this.Cursor Cursors.Hand tooltip.Show textbox My tooltip else tooltip.Hide.. approach I am worried why does not a tooltip show up if this.Cursor.current Cursors.hand Messagebox.show you are under a link Not..