c# Programming Glossary: this.location
custom dialog with a text field in winmobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/302680/custom-dialog-with-a-text-field-in-winmobile sender MouseEventArgs e if _Moving Point newlocation this.Location newlocation.X e.X _Offset.X newlocation.Y e.Y _Offset.Y this.Location.. newlocation.X e.X _Offset.X newlocation.Y e.Y _Offset.Y this.Location newlocation private void Form1_MouseUp object sender MouseEventArgs..
How to create a C# Winforms Control that hovers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/353561/how-to-create-a-c-sharp-winforms-control-that-hovers public new Point Location get return mParent.PointToClient this.Location set Point zero mParent.PointToScreen Point.Empty base.Location..
Show a winform over the notification area http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3644315/show-a-winform-over-the-notification-area this.Width int top workingArea.Height this.Height this.Location new Point left top Whether to use WorkingArea or Bounds depends..
Winform - determine if mouse has left user control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/423728/winform-determine-if-mouse-has-left-user-control is within the UC SmallTagBox_MouseLeave event Point loc this.Location Point p this.PointToScreen this.Location Point p2 this.PointToScreen.. event Point loc this.Location Point p this.PointToScreen this.Location Point p2 this.PointToScreen this.Parent.Location Point ms MousePosition.. Rectangle screenBounds new Rectangle this.PointToScreen this.Location this.Size if screenBounds.Contains ms thw.Close thw null ..
Draw semi transparent overlay image all over the windows form having some controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4503210/draw-semi-transparent-overlay-image-all-over-the-windows-form-having-some-contro this.AutoScaleMode AutoScaleMode.None this.Location tocover.PointToScreen Point.Empty this.ClientSize tocover.ClientSize.. sender EventArgs e Ensure the plexiglass follows the owner this.Location this.Owner.PointToScreen Point.Empty private void Cover_ClientSizeChanged..
How to make my Windows Form app snap to screen edges? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/589268/how-to-make-my-windows-form-app-snap-to-screen-edges EventArgs e base.OnResizeEnd e Screen scn Screen.FromPoint this.Location if DoSnap this.Left scn.WorkingArea.Left this.Left scn.WorkingArea.Left..
Show a child form in the centre of Parent form in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/944897/show-a-child-form-in-the-centre-of-parent-form-in-c-sharp 2 this.Width 2 this.ParentForm.Height 2 this.Height 2 this.Location p But this is throwing error as parent form is null. I tried..