c# Programming Glossary: theta
How do I prevent clipping when rotating an image in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2352804/how-do-i-prevent-clipping-when-rotating-an-image-in-c those of you who want to know Rotates the input image by theta degrees around center. public static Bitmap RotateImage Bitmap.. public static Bitmap RotateImage Bitmap bmpSrc float theta Matrix mRotate new Matrix mRotate.Translate bmpSrc.Width 2.. 2 bmpSrc.Height 2 MatrixOrder.Append mRotate.RotateAt theta new System.Drawing.Point 0 0 MatrixOrder.Append using GraphicsPath..
LockBits image rotation method not working? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3860030/lockbits-image-rotation-method-not-working Bitmap rotatedBitmap PointF centerPoint float theta BitmapData originalData originalBitmap.LockBits new Rectangle.. x 0 x rotatedData.Width x int newy int Math.Abs Math.Cos theta x centerPoint.X Math.Sin theta y centerPoint.Y centerPoint.X.. newy int Math.Abs Math.Cos theta x centerPoint.X Math.Sin theta y centerPoint.Y centerPoint.X int newx int Math.Abs Math.Sin..
Curve fitting points in 3D space http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4362498/curve-fitting-points-in-3d-space to convert from lat log alt to Cartesian just do x rho sin theta cos phi y rho sin theta sin phi z rho cos theta Where phi is.. alt to Cartesian just do x rho sin theta cos phi y rho sin theta sin phi z rho cos theta Where phi is the longitude theta is.. x rho sin theta cos phi y rho sin theta sin phi z rho cos theta Where phi is the longitude theta is the latitude and rho is..
Rotate a point by an angle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786472/rotate-a-point-by-an-angle I have a block arrow and want to rotate it by an angle theta relative to a point in the middle of the base of the arrow... If you rotate point px py around point ox oy by angle theta you'll get p'x cos theta px ox sin theta py oy ox p'y sin theta.. px py around point ox oy by angle theta you'll get p'x cos theta px ox sin theta py oy ox p'y sin theta px ox cos theta py oy..
Is there an efficient algorithm for segmentation of handwritten text? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8015001/is-there-an-efficient-algorithm-for-segmentation-of-handwritten-text of distance since previous dark pixel in X or along angle theta and distance since previous dark pixel in Y or along angle theta.. and distance since previous dark pixel in Y or along angle theta pi 2 . You might also check distance from white pixel to dark..