

c# Programming Glossary: this..

C# generic list <T> how to get the type of T? [duplicate]


typeof List Type itemType type.GetGenericArguments 0 use this... More generally to support any IList T you need to check the..

Event Signature in .NET — Using a Strong Typed 'Sender'?


2008 I am interested in anyone's and everyone's opinion on this... Thanks in advance Mike Edit #1 This is in response to Tommy..

Click through transparency for Visual C# Window Forms?


happens to be underneath the window. Something like this... protected override void WndProc ref Message m if m.Msg int..

C# find most recent file in dir


share improve this question how about something like this... var directory new DirectoryInfo C MyDirectory var myFile from..

How to create initializer to create and migrate mysql database?


override void Seed TContext context call it like this... Database.SetInitializer new CreateAndMigrateDatabaseInitializer..

Simple 2 way encryption for C#


one invalid value in the Vector array to make sure you do this... . Using it is easy just instantiate the class and then call..

C# compiler number literals


is treated as a 'Single' instead. For example like this... var x 0 x is Int32 var y 0f y is Single What are the other..

Bidirectional 1 to 1 Dictionary in C#


myself I can't believe that I'm the first person to need this... There is a BiDictionary in the answers to this question but..

Can I test SmtpClient before calling client.Send()?


day on how to send email . My new related question is this... what if the user of my application is behind a firewall or..

Splash Screen waiting until thread finishes


is a bit confusing but I'm going to take a stab and say this... I don't fully understand your design here but if the issue..

Large Switch statements: Bad OOP?


If the system is not OOP then I wouldn't add OOP just for this... you can easily use the Command Pattern with a simple dictionary..

Retrieve current URL from C# windows form


it seems almost impossible Thus far I have come across this... Get Firefox URL Which has the code below using NDde.Client..

Linq query with nullable sum


v.ItemId select v.Points 0 .Sum EDIT ok what about this... Shooting again since I don't know your model... from i in Db.Items..

MVC3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Working after Ajax Call


doesn't seem to be working. I have a view which looks like this... @model Area51.Models.Workflow.AddReportableItemToBatchActionModel.. The Partial Views are very simple they basically look like this... @model Area51.Models.Workflow.AddReportableItemToBatchActionModel..

Is there a difference between “throw” and “throw ex”?


those two are already. why do I have to even mention this... But my question is different in a way that I am calling throw..

C# LINQ to SQL: Refactoring this Generic GetByID method


the written data . So there has to be a better way to do this... Update I have now implemented my code like Neil Williams '..

Bind datagrid column visibility MVVM


them to connect together use proxy element approach like this... Add a proxy FrameworkElement in your ancestor panel's Resources..

Blocking dialogs in .NET WebBrowser control


one AxSHDocVW EDIT again Sorry I forgot to mention this... I'm trying to block a JavaScript alert with just an OK button...

How can I get this ASP.NET MVC SelectList to work?


I'm trying to create it on the fly sorta thing .. like this... myViewData.PageOptionsDropDown new SelectList new 10 15 25..