c# Programming Glossary: thickness
Setting Margin Properties in code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1003772/setting-margin-properties-in-code The problem is that Margin is a property and its type Thickness is a value type. That means when you access the property you're.. value back. Even though you can change the value of the Thickness.Left property for a particular value grr... mutable value types.. For instance coincidentally the same code as Marc wrote Thickness margin MyControl.Margin margin.Left 10 MyControl.Margin margin..
ProcessInfo and RedirectStandardOutput http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1145969/processinfo-and-redirectstandardoutput para new Paragraph new Run strMessage para.Margin new Thickness 0 para.Background brushErrorBrush box.Document.Blocks.Add..
Improving Winforms performance with large number of controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14565773/improving-winforms-performance-with-large-number-of-controls Items.Add new Item Description Base metal Thickness for var i 32 i 0 i Items.Add new Item Description Metal Specification..
Give some command to View in MVVM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15465161/give-some-command-to-view-in-mvvm Mode TwoWay i Interaction.Behaviors UserControl.Resources Thickness x Key StdMargin 5 Thickness Style TargetType Button Setter.. UserControl.Resources Thickness x Key StdMargin 5 Thickness Style TargetType Button Setter Property MinWidth Value 60 ..
How can I get a FlowDocument Hyperlink to launch browser and go to URL in a WPF app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2288999/how-can-i-get-a-flowdocument-hyperlink-to-launch-browser-and-go-to-url-in-a-wpf ScrollBarVisibility.Hidden doc.PagePadding new Thickness 0 Paragraph paragraph new Paragraph doc.Blocks.Add paragraph..
tips on developing resolution independent application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3193339/tips-on-developing-resolution-independent-application const int h SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height public Thickness OuterGridMargin get MainViewModel OuterGridMargin new Thickness.. OuterGridMargin get MainViewModel OuterGridMargin new Thickness w 5 h 6 w 5 h 4 xaml Grid Margin Binding OuterGridMargin I do..
WPF loading animation on a separate UI thread? (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3806535/wpf-loading-animation-on-a-separate-ui-thread-c tempRow Size tempLabel new Label tempLabel.Padding new Thickness 2 0 2 0 tempLabel.Content tempDirInfo.CreationTime.ToLongDateString.. tempLabel tempLabel new Label tempLabel.Padding new Thickness 2 0 2 0 tempLabel.Content tempDirInfo.LastWriteTime.ToLongDateString.. tempLabel tempLabel new Label tempLabel.Padding new Thickness 2 0 2 0 tempLabel.Content tempDirInfo.LastAccessTime.ToLongDateString..
WPF - Auto Line Number for FlowDocument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6073644/wpf-auto-line-number-for-flowdocument new Size 1024 768 printer.CurrentElementMargin new Thickness 2 2 2 2 printer.CurrentFontFamily new FontFamily Arial printer.CurrentFontSize.. summary Current margin for known objects summary public Thickness CurrentElementMargin get set summary Current background for..
How to draw gridline on WPF Canvas? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6434284/how-to-draw-gridline-on-wpf-canvas GeometryDrawing.Pen set color and thickness of lines Pen Thickness 1 Brush Black GeometryDrawing.Pen GeometryDrawing DrawingBrush.Drawing.. bounds Size tileSize var gridColor Brushes.Black var gridThickness 1.0 var tileRect new Rect tileSize var gridTile new DrawingBrush.. Drawing new GeometryDrawing Pen new Pen gridColor gridThickness Geometry new GeometryGroup Children new GeometryCollection..
Getting Actual Size of UserControl before rendering http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8665475/getting-actual-size-of-usercontrol-before-rendering here uc.UCWidth uc.DesiredSize.Width uc.Margin new Thickness 34 42 0 0 myRoot.Children.Add uc myRoot is Canvas c# silverlight..